Books (Spanish)
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Biblia Para Principiantes – (Spanish)
$18.99El best seller de los libros de historias biblicas con mas de 5 millones de ejemplares vendidos ensena a los ninos las historias y los personajes de la Biblia. Ahora, las historias biblicas favoritas cobran vida con el nuevo arte vibrante e historias cautivadoras, haciendo de este libro el punto de partida perfecto para que los ninos aprendan de la Biblia. Disfrutaran de las ilustraciones divertidas de Noe ayudando al elefante a subir al arca, Jonas orando dentro del pez, y mucho mas, a medida que descubran el tesoro contenido en estas paginas al igual que ya lo han hecho millones de ninos.
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Jesus Te Llama – (Spanish)
$16.99Experience peace in the presence of the Savior who is closer than you can imagine.
This #1 bestselling 365-day devotional is written as if Jesus Himself is speaking directly to you words of encouragement, comfort, and reassurance of His unending love.Sarah Young shares her personal prayer journal and her reflections based on Jesus words of hope, guidance, and peace within Scripture. Penned by one who loves Jesus and reveres His Word, these writings will help your love for Jesus grow as you spend time with Him each day. Sarah Young has also added 100 new scriptures to this beloved book.
Experience a deeper relationship with the Lord as you savor the presence of the One who will never leave you.
The Jesus Calling(r) brand has touched millions of lives and remains a bestselling and truly transformative gift for loved ones and new friends alike.”
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Jesus Te Llama – (Spanish)
$11.99Jesus te llama is a devotional filled with uniquely inspired treasures from heaven for every day of the year.
After many years of writing in her prayer journal, missionary Sarah Young decided to “listen” to God with pen in hand, writing down whatever she believed he was saying to her. It was awkward at first, but gradually her journaling changed from monologue to dialogue. She knew her writings were not inspired as Scripture is, but journaling helped her grow closer to God. Others were blessed as she shared her writings, until people all over the world were using her messages. They are written from Jesus’ point of view, thus the title Jesus te llama. It is Sarah’s fervent prayer that our Savior may bless readers with his presence and his peace in ever deeper measure.Jesus te llama es un devocional lleno de tesoros excepcionalmente inspirados del cielo para cada dia del ao.
Despues de muchos anos de escribir en su diario de oracion, la misionera Sarah Young decidio “escuchar” a Dios con pluma en mano, poniendo por escrito cualquier cosa que creyo que El le decia. Fue embarazoso al principio, pero poco a poco sus encuentros diarios cambiaron de monologo a dialogo. Ella sabia que sus escritos no eran inspirados como lo son las Sagradas Escrituras, pero estos encuentros escritos le ayudaron a crecer en su acercamiento a Dios. Otras personas han sido bendecidas al ella compartir sus escritos, de tal manera que personas por todo el mundo estan usando sus mensajes. Estos estan escritos desde el punto de vista de Jesucristo, de ahi el titulo Jesus te llama. Es la oracion ferviente de Sarah que nuestro Salvador bendiga a los lectores en abundancia con su presencia y su paz.Add to cart1 in stock