Top Selling Books

Showing 1–50 of 87 results

  • Gospeler : Turning Darkness Into Light One Conversation At A Time


    Do you want to share your faith more easily and naturally? Willie Robertson of Duck Dynasty says that if you can tell someone about your spouse, kids, friends, school, pets, and hobbies, you know how to talk about the most important thing in your life, your Lord!

    Could you share the gospel with another person? Would you know where to start? Do you even know what the gospel is? It’s the Good News of Jesus, and a gospeler is simply someone who shares it with others.

    Willie Robertson writes about his story of faith, which came about in large part because a stranger went out of his way–as well as his comfort zone–to have a spiritual conversation with Willie’s father, Phil. And from that story, he tells readers how they, too, can talk about Jesus with their family, friends, neighbors, and even people they meet along the way. Gospeler will help readers:

    *Celebrate the gospel genealogy that led to their faith and be inspired to grow their spiritual family tree.

    *Understand that sharing the gospel is not preaching but having a conversation.

    *Keep sharing the gospel with someone, knowing that Jesus never gives up on us.

    *Focus on what’s truly important (Jesus) instead of what’s not (religion).

    Being a gospeler is not complicated. And the more you share Jesus, the easier it gets. Maybe you believe other people are better at sharing their faith and it is not your gift. Maybe you think you don’t know the Bible well enough. Or you might say you haven’t figured it all out yourself, so you aren’t equipped to help anyone else. Whatever may be holding you back will be covered in this book, giving you the inspiration, guidance, and encouragement you need.

    When the gospel is heard, accepted, and responded to, it’s not just a cool story, it is a game-changer. And it can spread across the world–starting with one conversation you have with another. In addition to this book, an accompanying 64-page booklet is available to share with others.

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  • Marys Calico Hope

    Original price was: $14.99.Current price is: $11.97.

    Mary Yoder Is Content Despite Challenges Thrown Her Way

    Full of faith, hope, and romance, this new series takes you into the Heart of Amish country.
    If God wills it, Mary Yoder will do it, even if that means using crutches for the rest of her life. She was badly injured in a buggy accident as a child. Still, she is content living in the Dawdi Haus connected to her parents’ farmhouse and with her work weaving baskets and raising specialty roosters whose feathers she uses to make excellent trout lures. She is truly happy at twenty-nine, but. . .she wouldn’t mind finding a husband–if the Lord wills it. Along comes Reuben King, a Mennonite doctor. They are attracted to one another, but how could they ever be together? She’s a baptized Amish woman, so it seems impossible. Also, he wants her to have surgery to improve her mobility and lessen her day-to-day pain. She’s sick and tired of surgeries! But if God wills it, she’ll do it. And just maybe there will be a way for these two unlikely souls to connect.

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  • Choose Strong : 3-Minute Devotions For Teen Guys



    The world might try to convince you differently, but being strong is a choice.

    Each day, you can choose God’s way or the world’s way. Right or wrong. Strong or weak.
    It’s up to you.

    This book of strength-building devotions can help guide you to choose wisely.

    Every page provides you with scriptural truth, a relatable devotional reading, and a short prayer.

    In just 3 minutes you’ll be well on your way to the good life–the strong life–God intended for you.

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  • Joy Of The Trinity


    It’s hard to know a God we don’t understand, and it’s hard to love a God we don’t know.

    But our God wants to be known and loved, and He’s told us a lot about Himself in the pages of His Word-particularly that He is a “three-in-one” God. Although it is a crucial and classic Christian teaching, understanding the Trinity can be intimidating at first. But it doesn’t have to be!

    Join bestselling author, Bible teacher, and podcaster Tara-Leigh Cobble as she walks you through the triune nature of God: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. As you turn each page, you’ll discover a beautiful, foundational view of the Trinity that will not only inform how you relate to God but give you deeper intimacy and greater joy in knowing Him!

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  • Clear Mind Peaceful Heart


    God not only has the whole world in His hands; He’s holding the details of your life in His faithful hands as well.

    What lies heaviest on your heart as you lay your head on your pillow? Are paralyzing fear and anxiety stealing tomorrow’s peace? Listen to this invitation from Jesus: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28 NIV).
    Experiencing this kind of rest won’t come from escapism, more vacation days, or stuffing our feelings. Jesus Himself provides rest to our weary souls. While He may not always fix everything right away, we can fix our thoughts on His Word. In doing this, we can sleep at night with ease knowing that God has it all under control.

    Through the pages of Clear Mind, Peaceful Heart, written by New York Times bestselling author Lysa TerKeurst and her friends at Proverbs 31 Ministries, you will be equipped to:

    *Quiet fearful and anxious thoughts that always seem to be the loudest before bedtime by incorporating the Bible into your nightly routine

    *Find relief from the stress of daily obligations and pressures through 50 encouraging devotions and guided prayers written by women like you

    *Release the heaviness you feel about hard situations in your life so you can wake up refreshed and walk into the next day with courage

    We may feel afraid, but we don’t have to live afraid. Let this devotional help you fall asleep tonight with a clear mind and a peaceful heart.

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  • Gods Promises For Graduates Class Of 2024 Pink NKJV


    Today’s high school and college graduates are looking for a promise of hope for their future. This practical and inspirational gift for graduates delivers God’s promises of wisdom, guidance, comfort, and encouragement straight from the Bible on relevant topics such as character, integrity, loyalty, focus, respect, and perseverance.

    This attractive book is a perfect keepsake gift offering:

    *Hundreds of Scripture passages from the New King James Version Bible translation
    *A Leathersoft cover designed for personalization with your graduate’s name
    *A portable size, perfect to take on-the-go
    *Two popular color options: navy and pink

    God’s Promises for Graduates(R) is a #1 bestselling inspirational book impacting nearly 2 million graduates with the hope of God’s Word.

    Look for additional biblical inspiration for the graduates in your life through the God’s Promises(R), God’s Answers(R), and God’s Wisdom(R) gift books.

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  • I Could Be Wrong But I Doubt It


    Discover the completely unique qualifications and accomplishments of Jesus Christ–the Creator of everything, the King who will set you free, and the best friend you could ever have.

    Over nearly five decades of walking with God, podcaster, author and Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson has learned a thing or two about why Jesus is the only one worth following. Of all the things we could put our trust in, only Jesus has the answers to our questions and the solutions for our problems.

    Plenty of people claim to have the answers for a better life. Politicians claim they can fix our nation. Scientists and technologists trumpet the latest and greatest discoveries that’ll make everything right. Self-help gurus offer one pathway to peace after another. But it’s no secret that our world is increasingly divided and broken–and we’ve got the fear, anxiety, and hopelessness to prove it. Jesus alone can make good on the promise of lasting peace, real freedom, and life eternal.

    With his trademark directness, humor, and insight, Phil will help you:

    *experience Jesus as the Creator and all-powerful Sustainer of all creation;

    *reconcile your own brokenness and sinfulness with Jesus’ unending well healing, forgiveness, and peace;

    *develop the eyes to see Jesus for who he really is: the friend who will always be there for you, no matter what mistakes you’ve made; and

    *look to the Bible to get to know Jesus and better understand His grace and love for you.

    Politics won’t save you. Science can’t give you the power to sidestep death. The pleasures and joys of this world are fleeting at best, damaging counterfeits at worst. But Phil has good news for you: Jesus offers life, joy, and peace, and he’s never more than a prayer away.

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  • Gospel Of John Bible Study Book With Video Access (Student/Study Guide)


    Life. It seems to move at a break-neck pace. Days are filled with noise, screens, and appointments. Sometimes worry and fear are constant companions. The chaos can leave you looking for a place to be still, but that resting spot always seems to be an elusive destination. Jesus offers a different kind of life. He offers peace. He is peace.

    In this 7-session study on the Gospel of John, Melissa Spoelstra will encourage you to slow down and linger with the living Word. You’ll appreciate the pace of the Savior who never hurried but completed all that the Father called Him to accomplish. As you turn the pages of John’s Gospel, you’ll be challenged to take on the posture of a learner-understanding that the peace Jesus offers is not an ease of circumstances, but a stillness of the soul. As a result, you’ll grow in intimacy with Him and learn to live, serve, and rest in His peace.

    Video Sessions:

    *Session One: Introduction (23:01)-Melissa begins the video teaching on the Gospel of John by setting the context for the study. She shares about who John was writing to and his purpose for writing the Gospel. She also gives an overview of the six remaining video sessions, noting the themes and memory verses.

    *Session Two: Peace in the Plan of Jesus (25:59)-The video teaching for Session 2 centers on savoring peace in the plan of Jesus. Melissa focuses on John 1-3 to show us how God was the orchestrator of the salvation plan set before the beginning of time. This plan was accomplished by His power, evidenced His great love for us, and displayed His glory.

    *Session Three: Peace in the Power of Jesus (25:28)-John 4-6 is the focal point of the teaching in Session 3 video as Melissa talks about savoring peace in the power of Jesus. She discusses three of the seven signs (miracles) found in John’s Gospel and points out three important truths for us to remember. She challenges us to rest in the truth that God is powerfully able and willing to help us in our time of need.

    *Session Four: Peace in the Patience of Jesus (24:46)-In the Session 4 video teaching, Melissa focuses on savoring peace in the patience of Jesus. She’ll discuss portions of John 7-9 to reveal the big idea that when we look beneath the surface of our longings, we will find Jesus as our only source of satisfaction.

    *Session Five: Peace in the Purposes of Jesus (31:11)-Savoring peace in the purposes of Jesus is the theme of the Session 5 video teaching. Melissa looks at portions of John 10-1

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  • 3 Minute Prayers For Dads


    Got 3 Minutes? . . .

    Take a few moments of your day to pause, reflect, and grow your faith with these 3-minute prayers.

    You’ll find just the inspiration you need for your busy life in 3-Minute Prayers for Dads. This practical book packs a powerful dose of inspiration into 3 short minutes.

    *Minute 1: scripture to meditate on;
    *Minute 2: a just-right-sized devotional prayer;
    *Minute 3: a question for further reflection.

    Each day’s prayer meet you right where you are and is a great way for you to begin or end your day.

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  • Daily Prayer Minutes For Teen Girls


    Beautiful girl, God’s always listening. . .and He’s always interested in what you have to say.

    Open your heart and your mind as you read these daily, comforting prayers. Each turn of the page reveals an inspiring “prayer minute” (a prayer that can be read in just 60 seconds) alongside an encouraging scripture selection, guaranteed to reassure and inspire your soul every day of the year.

    Spend your daily quiet time with these prayers, where you’ll encounter overflowing blessings and the never ending grace of your heavenly Creator.

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  • Letters Of Wisdom


    Friendship Letters Series — Doretta Schwartz has always enjoyed writing letters and feels her letters can be a bit of a ministry to her friends. In this series, exchanging letters that contain open and honest feelings and struggles helps Doretta and two of her best friends through the darkest challenges of their lives.

    Letters and Prayers Between Friends Become a Balm for Healing

    Irma Miller thought having a family of her own would bring her joy and a sense of accomplishment, but she struggles with memories of the abuse she suffered as a child at the hand of her stepfather. When she becomes physically and emotionally abusive to her own children, she reaches out to her friend Doretta for prayer and wisdom. But Irma may find herself at an even darker emotional place before she will admit she needs professional help to heal the past traumas. Will Doretta’s letters of wisdom help Irma and her family, or will too much be broken to ever be repaired?

    Find out in the third book of The Friendship Letters series by New York Times Bestselling Author Wanda E. Brunstetter.

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  • Prayers To Share 100 Pass Along Lunch Box Notes


    A winning edition of our popular Prayers-to-Share series made to encourage school-aged kids.

    The formative years of school are filled with highs and lows. As kids break for lunch during busy school days, these Prayers-to-Share notes can brighten their spirits with a word of encouragement, a prayer, and a Bible verse. Parents, guardians, and siblings can easily tear out a hope-filled message and tuck it inside a lunchbox as a pleasant surprise. As they read these notes, children will be reminded just how much they are loved by God and the important people in their lives.

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  • Jesus Calling : Enjoying Peace In His Presence (Large Type)


    Experience a deeper relationship with Jesus as you savor the presence of the One who understands you perfectly and loves you forever. With Scripture and personal reflections, New York Times bestselling author Sarah Young brings Jesus’ message of peace–for today and every day.

    Jesus Calling is your yearlong guide to living a more peaceful life. The Jesus Calling(R) brand has impacted more than 40 million lives!

    By spending time in the presence of the Savior with the much-loved devotions in Jesus Calling, you will:

    *Feel comforted by words of hope and encouragement
    *Be reassured of Jesus’ unending love for you
    *Receive gentle guidance based on Scripture
    *Strengthen your faith with Scripture verses
    *Connect with Jesus further with reflection and meditation based on God’s Word

    Written as if Jesus Himself is speaking directly to you, Jesus Calling invites you to experience peace in the presence of the Savior who is always with you.

    This edition features 365 devotions and is sure to be a favorite in the popular Jesus Calling(R) line. The vibrant teal cover with foil has feminine floral touches, giving a gorgeous, elegant feel, along with large text, and full Scripture verses, not just the reference, in each devotion. This edition resonates with women and makes a wonderful gift for Mother’s Day, Easter, birthdays, or for self-purchase.

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  • Just In Case You Ever Feel Alone


    Even children experience lonely moments. When they do, this book reminds them that you will always be there, and God is right there too. Max Lucado’s comforting words reinforce the thought that no matter what happens–the good and bad, the firsts and lasts–children will never be alone . . . just in case they ever wonder.

    To a child, a day can last forever, and hurt feelings sink in deep. Whether they’re having trouble making friends, struggling to learn something new, or just having a sad day, children need daily reminders of how much they’re cherished. Just in Case You Ever Feel Alone soothes away loneliness by promising children that their parents or caregivers will always make time for them–they will squeeze away the sad and welcome back the glad every single day.

    A follow-up to the classic children’s book Just in Case You Ever Wonder, which has sold more than 1.8 million copies, this board book for boys and girls ages 0 to 4.

    *addresses a child’s feelings of loneliness and uncertainty;

    *assures children that their parents are there for them and that God is always with them;

    *includes tender rhymes and endearing artwork from Eve Tharlet of a loving parent and baby bear; and

    *is a perfect gift for Easter or for children who need reassurance that they will always have someone to turn to, someone to talk to, and someone who will love them no matter what.

    Draw your little ones close as you affirm your unconditional love for them and God’s never-ending presence and desire to be with His children.

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  • Mostly What God Does


    Mostly what God does is love you.

    If we could believe this, really believe this, how different would we be? How different would our lives be? How different would our world be?

    If you ever struggle with your connection to God (or whether you even feel connected to a faith at all!), you’re not alone. Especially in our modern world, with its relentless, never-ending news cycle, we can all grapple with such questions. Do we do that alone, with despair and resignation? Or do we make sense of it with God, and with hope? In these uncertain times, could believing in the power of divine love make the most sense?

    In this collection of essays, Savannah Guthrie shares why she believes it does. Unspooling personal stories from her own joys and sorrows as a daughter, mother, wife, friend, and professional journalist, the award-winning TODAY show coanchor and New York Times bestselling author explores the place of faith in everyday life.

    Sharing hard-won wisdom forged from mountaintop triumphs, crushing failures, and even the mundane moments of day-to-day living, Mostly What God Does reveals the transformative ways that belief in God helps us discover real hope for this life and beyond.

    A perfect companion to your morning cup of coffee, this incisive volume–not a memoir but a beautiful tapestry of reflections crafted as a spiritual manual–includes:

    *a fresh, biblically rooted look at six essentials of faith: love, presence, grace, hope, gratitude, and purpose;

    *an honest exploration of questions, doubts, and fears about the love of God;

    *a dose of encouragement for the faith-full, the faith-curious, and the faith-less; and

    *…and much more.

    This deeply personal collection is designed to engage the practical ways that God loves you–not just the world, but you–and to inspire you to venture down a path of faith that is authentic, hopeful, destiny-shaping, and ultimately life-changing.

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  • Self Care Devotional


    What’s the very best prescription for self-care? . . .

    Daily quiet time in the heavenly Father’s presence, of course!

    Better than a bubble bath. . .more rejuvenating than an expensive spa treatment. . .these 180 calming, comforting devotions and prayers are just the nourishment your weary soul needs to rest and recharge. Six months of daily readings touch on topics important to you, including –Understanding Your Feelings, Protecting Your Schedule, Nourishing Your Soul, Finding Joy, Shining Your Light, Pressing Pause, Making Time for Rest, and Being Kind to Yourself.

    When you’re in need of some serious self-care, this delightful devotional is your perfect companion!

    “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me–watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”
    Matthew 11:28-30 MSG

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  • Think Ahead : 7 Decisions You Can Make Today For The God-Honoring Life You


    Why do we keep making choices we later regret–sometimes even the same bad choices over and over? Drawing on Scripture, story, and cutting-edge research into human behavior, pastor Craig Groeschel reveals the key to making the choices we want to make and experiencing the joy and freedom God has for us.

    We all want to make great decisions. So what happens between our good intentions and the choices we actually make in the moment? If only we could make decisions ahead of time rather than when we’re under stress, overwhelmed, or swayed by fear or emotion. In Think Ahead, we learn how to do just that.

    Pastor Craig Groeschel knows from personal experience and as a counselor to others what being trapped in a cycle of poor decision-making is like. In Think Ahead, he shares what he has discovered about the power of “pre-deciding.”

    With thought-provoking exercises and questions for reflection, this interactive book teaches us that the quality of our decisions determines the quality of our lives. Think Ahead will help you:

    *Understand the science behind your decision-making habits
    *Overcome decision fatigue and debilitating fears
    *Diminish the role of emotions in decision-making
    *See how your small choices shape the kind of person you become
    *Define and put into action the seven life-defining pre-decisions you can make today
    *Becoming the person you want to be starts before you even make a decision. In Think
    Ahead, you’ll discover the power of making decisions today to help you live the life you want to have tomorrow.

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  • My Bible Study Tracker Leather Forest


    You know that Bible study is vital to your spiritual well-being. . .

    . . .but you also know how life interferes with your time in God’s Word. My Bible Study Tracker is designed to focus your thoughts on a particular passage or topic, and gently walks you through important observations and applications of scripture.

    And My Bible Study Tracker always encourages you to keep at Bible study–even if you miss a day (or a week) along the way.

    God’s Word is living and active (Hebrews 4:12), and every minute spent in it will help your Christian life. My Bible Study Tracker is ready to guide you and cheer you on.

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  • 200 Prayers Of Strength For Men


    200 Prayers of Strength for Men: Courage for Troubled Times

    These inspiring prayers and scripture selections will turn your eyes from the troubles of this world to the far greater power and glory of your great God. Based on passages from scripture–in the fresh yet familiar Barbour Simplified King James Version–these prayers offer a powerful jolt of spiritual truth for your daily challenges. There’s even a topical index to direct you right to the prayers you need most!

    With 200 Prayers of Strength for Men, you’ll be on your way to more meaningful, purposeful, honest conversation with your mighty Creator–who hears your every prayer.

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  • Living In The Daze Of Deception


    A High-Stakes Battle for Every Christian

    Jesus warned that deception would grow as we draw nearer to the end times, saying, “Take heed that no one deceives you” (Matthew 24:4). Distinguishing truth from error has become an increasingly challenging task-even in the church.

    We live in a time when falsehoods assault us from every direction, an ever-advancing and unavoidable tempest of deception. Packaged with just enough truth to make them appear trustworthy, these counterfeits have grown more and more difficult to detect and avoid.

    Living in the Daze of Deception explores the many ways error is masquerading as truth-and how you can discern the difference. From pastor Jack Hibbs, you’ll learn:

    *the characteristics of deceivers and how they have brought harm to both secular culture and the church

    *the many deceptions that are altering and replacing the truth, and how to recognize them
    *the keys to standing strong as the spiritual battle surrounding us intensifies

    The greatest antidote to deception is truth. Equip yourself now to grow in discernment so that you can protect yourself from error and remain steadfast in your faith!

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  • Encouraging Words For A Discouraging World


    Life on earth isn’t easy. How do we reach for hope in the midst of a world that can be so discouraging? Encouraging Words for a Discouraging World, from beloved Bible teacher and author Dr. David Jeremiah, reveals the hope, purpose, and security that is ours because of the God we serve.

    In this uplifting and insightful book, Dr. Jeremiah offers encouraging and inspiring words that will help you navigate the difficulties of daily life with faith, courage, and resilience. Drawing on decades of study as a pastor and teacher, Dr. Jeremiah shares practical insights and timeless wisdom from the Bible that will help you find hope, comfort, and strength in even the darkest of times. This book includes:

    *Biblical examples of hope that will inspire you during challenging seasons
    *Inspiring teaching on how to claim victory even in the hardest of times
    *Practical wisdom for holding God’s promises in your heart

    Whether you’re struggling with personal challenges, dealing with difficult relationships, or facing sadness and grief, Encouraging Words for a Discouraging World will help you find perspective, hope, and a renewed sense of purpose. With his trademark warmth, wisdom, and compassion, Dr. Jeremiah reminds us that even in the midst of chaos and uncertainty, we can trust in God’s love and grace to guide us through every challenge.

    Whether you’re a long-time Christian or just beginning your spiritual journey, this book will inspire and uplift you with its timeless message and with biblical reminders of the hope that is ours because of who Christ is.

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  • Strength And Courage Journal With Zipper Closure


    Teach your son self-care skills from an early age by introducing him to journaling with the Lionface Strength and Courage Brown Faux Leather Classic Journal. Journaling is a powerful tool for communicating, problem-solving, enhancing creativity, and fostering self-reflection. In this journal, your son can use its pages, adorned with inspirational Scripture verses, to reflect on the lessons he’s learned.

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  • Stand Firm In The Faith Journal With Scripture


    Acknowledge your father’s faith and resilience when you give him the Stand Firm Mountain View Wirebound Journal as a Father’s Day gift this year.

    A beautiful mountain vista in sepia tones is framed in black and gray on the front cover of the wirebound journal. A black and red typographical design is set in a white frame and superimposed on the image.

    Stand firm in the faith
    Be courageous
    Be strong
    1 Corinthians 16:13

    The back cover features an enlarged version of the typographical frame in a tone-on-tone brown design. Silver wire binding binds the covers and pages together. The journal has 192 pages, each lined. Scripture verses are placed at the bottom of each page and can be used as memory verses or prompts for prayer and journaling. A presentation page at the front of the journal allows you to add a heartfelt message.

    The Stand Firm Mountain View Wirebound Journal is part of the Stand Firm Gray Mountain View Collection, designed to encourage men to stand firm in their faith. This collection includes a ceramic coffee mug, a stainless steel travel tumbler, a keychain, a wirebound journal, and a gift bag.

    As your dad journals his thoughts or prayers within the pages of the Stand Firm Mountain View Wirebound Journal, its message will become a source of encouragement, guiding him to stand firm in the faith.

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  • She Is Clothed With Strength And Dignity Journal With Zipper Closure


    The Strength and Dignity Indigo Rose Faux Leather Journal with Zipper Closure provides a secure space to keep your musings, notes, and cherished memories.

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  • Kind Words Are Like Honey Sweet To The Soul Journal


    The Kind Words are Like Honey Wirebound Journal serves as a beautiful reminder that kindness is a choice we make daily. While our world may not always feel friendly, choosing to be kind can positively impact your life and those around you. This journal offers an opportunity to reflect on your day or week, record instances of kindness you’ve encountered, and brainstorm ideas for showing kindness to others.

    A faint gold-foiled honeycomb design adorns the creamy white front cover of the journal. The sentiment is presented in navy and gold-foiled letters that are framed by a yellow and blue floral swags at the top and the bottom. A gold-foiled bee crowns the design.

    Kind words are like honey, sweet to the soul
    Proverbs 16:24

    The back cover features an intricate navy blue honeycomb design filled with yellow, white, and gold-foiled flowers. Gold-toned metal wire binds the covers together.

    A presentation page in the front of the journal can be personalized when you give it as a gift. The 192 lined pages in the journal are all lined, and each page features a Scripture verse at the bottom. These verses may be used for mediation or as Scripture memory verses.

    The Kind Words are Like Honey Wirebound Journal is part of the Kindness is Like Honey Collection. This collection includes a wirebound journal, a paper bookmark set, a magnetic bookmark set, a Box of Blessings, a stainless steel travel tumbler, and a gift bag.

    The Kind Words are Like Honey Wirebound Journal pairs beautifully with the coordinating stainless steel travel mug, creating an ideal teacher appreciation gift. You can also consider giving the Kind Words are Like Honey Wirebound Journal as a heartfelt token of gratitude for a neighbor’s kindness. To go a step further, you can assemble a thoughtful gift by combining the Kind Words are Like Honey Wirebound Journal with other complementary items from the collection as an encouraging gesture for a sister or friend.

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  • I Can Do All Things Through Christ Journal With Zipper Closure


    The I Can Do All Things Through Christ Honey-brown Faux Leather Classic Journal with Zipper Closure is a thoughtful and uplifting gift that can be a source of inspiration and comfort. It carries a profound message: contentment can be found in all circumstances.

    The trendy honey-brown faux leather cover is heat-debossed with a winding floral vine design that starts on the back, meandering its way onto the front cover, where it surrounds a vignette with the gold-foiled sentiment.

    I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me
    Philippians 4:13

    The sturdy brown zipper, equipped with a gold metal zipper pull, guarantees the secure closure of the covers, keeping all loose papers safe. Upon opening the journal, you’ll find a presentation page that you can use to note the gift-giving occasion. Every page is lined, and at the bottom of each page, you’ll discover an enriching Scripture verse that you can use for meditation or as a prayer or journaling prompt. An attached brown satin ribbon marker ensures you can easily keep track of your thoughts, dreams, and daily entries without losing your place.

    The I Can Do All Things Through Christ Honey-brown Faux Leather Classic Journal with Zipper Closure is part of the Trust Honey-brown and Navy Floral Collection. This collection includes a Box of Blessings(R), a compact mirror, an epoxy-filled metal key chain, a ceramic coffee mug, a notebook set, a faux leather checkbook cover, a stainless steel travel tumbler, a zippered faux leather journal, a faux leather eyeglass case, a faux leather luggage tag, a faux leather purse-style Bible case, and a gift bag.

    The I Can Do All Things Through Christ Honey-brown Faux Leather Classic Journal with Zipper Closure makes a practical gift to inspire a mother, grandmother, daughter, or niece to be content in all circumstances.

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  • Deconstruction Of Christianity


    A groundbreaking book on the true nature of faith deconstruction

    Alisa and Tim help the reader to deconstruct the deconstructionists and thus to respond to them, both with arguments and with love and sensitivity. This is a timely book! — Carl Trueman, author of The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self

    A movement called ‘deconstruction’ is sweeping through our churches and it is affecting our loved ones. It has disrupted, dismantled, and destroyed the faith of so many, and this book can help you not only understand what’s happening but also stand your ground and respond with clarity and confidence.

    *Maybe you have a loved one who is deconstructing their faith, and you are struggling to know how to respond;

    *Maybe you are trying to understand the radical spiritual makeover your friend or family member is going through;

    *Maybe your relationship with a loved one has been strained or even cut off because of your “toxic” Christian beliefs and you don’t know what to do;

    *Maybe you’re experiencing doubt yourself and facing hard questions about truth, God, the Bible, theology and the gospel.

    Some who leave the faith feel wounded by the church. Others feel repressed by some of the moral imperatives found in Scripture. For some, it leads to a custom-made spirituality. For others, deconstructing their faith leads them away from the truth into agnosticism, atheism, the occult, or humanism.

    In this seminal book, Alisa Childers, author of Another Gospel?, and Tim Barnett, creator of Red Pen Logic, will help you understand what deconstruction is, where it comes from, why it is compelling to some, and how it disorients the lives of so many. You will be able to think through the main issues around faith deconstruction and explore wise and loving ways to respond from a biblical worldview.

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  • Bible Recap Kids Devotional


    A Fun Way to Help Children Read, Understand, and Love the Entire Bible.

    Reading Scripture can be exciting and engaging for kids and adults alike! A great place to start is with The Bible Recap Kids’ Devotional, which follows the 365-day chronological reading plan of The Bible Recap book and podcast.

    Designed for children ages 6 and up, this interactive devotional is their personal tour guide, pointing out key verses and important, fascinating things to learn about God–from Genesis through Revelation. Along the way, your child will also enjoy word puzzles, coloring pages, and other fun activities that reinforce essential truths and facts.

    You don’t have to be an expert to give your children a solid biblical foundation. Whether they read through this devotional on their own or you enjoy it as a family, being in God’s Word is transformational because He’s where the joy is!

    Use with Any Print or Audio Bible

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  • Stories For Your Soul


    Life can be hard: grief, loss, busyness, financial hardships, abuse, broken relationships, and illness are just some of the difficulties we all face on a regular basis. It’s easy to lose faith in your neighbor and feel like you’re alone–but Max Lucado assures us that hope is here.

    Stories for Your Soul: Ordinary People. Extraordinary God. by pastor and New York Times bestselling author Max Lucado will reestablish your faith in people and the Lord by sharing the good in the world.

    Compiled from Max’s catalog of treasured stories, this collection of ordinary miracles sheds light on the ways that everyday people are doing God’s work while also sharing their gifts with others.

    Throughout Stories for Your Soul, you’ll read about:

    *Nicholas Winton, a twenty-nine-year-old stockbroker, who rescued 669 children during World War II

    *Favio Chavez and Don Cola Gomez–two men recycling the world’s trash into musical instruments

    *Jimmy Wayne and how complete strangers gave him a home and became his family

    *And many more amazing stories

    At the end of each inspiring story, you’ll find two reflection questions to help you dig deep into your life and identify ways you can use your own gifts to change the world while deepening your faith in God.

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  • Sword And Sheild


    The Sword and the Shield Saddle Tan Faux Leather Devotional is designed to encourage, inspire, and challenge men to be leaders for Christ in their families, workplaces, and circles of influence. Drawing on the offensive and defensive qualities of swords and shields, this devotional focuses on spiritual growth and moral protection for men.

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  • Chosen Called By Name


    The Chosen: Volume 1 contains original graphic novel depictions from the television show,
    The Chosen, through the eyes of world-class artists.
    Illustrated scenes of Jesus turning water into wine, His meeting with the Samaritan woman at the well, His healing of a paralyzed man, and more, will both excite and draw readers closer to Him.

    From catacomb paintings to stained glass windows, Christians have always used art to not only tell but show the gospel story. To that end, The Chosen uses television. But by working with new and talented artists, Season 1 has been adapted into a fully illustrated graphic novel, including scenes like:

    – Mary Magdalene being called from darkness into light
    – Simon and Andrew and the miraculous catch of fish
    – The paralyzed man who was lowered through the roof–and then healed
    – Nicodemus and his secret meeting with Jesus under cover of night

    Based on the groundbreaking TV show, graphic novel lovers of all ages will be moved and drawn closer to the Hero of the story as they visually experience these age-old truths in a distinctive way.

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  • Imagine The God Of Heaven


    Millions of people around the world have reported a near-death experience. Do they prove the existence of a loving God?

    Never in history, until now, have we been able to hear from so many people around the world who have been brought back from clinical death. Modern medical resuscitation and digital communication have revealed a goldmine of intriguing near-death experiences (NDEs) that show us the character of God. John Burke has spent the last three decades studying the commonalities of more than 1000 NDEs. His investigative journey started as a skeptical agnostic, when his own father was dying from cancer. When he first read these eyewitness accounts, he couldn’t help asking himself: “Could this be real evidence–even possible proof of God’s existence?”

    In this book, you will discover:

    *Analysis of 1000+ near-death experiences and how they reveal the wondrous attributes of God and correlate with the Bible

    *Follow up research to Burke’s exploration of the afterlife, Imagine Heaven, a New York Times best-seller of over 1 million copies

    *True stories from nearly 70 people from every continent who have died, been resuscitated, and now testify to having been more alive than ever in the presence of a loving God they never wanted to leave

    *People of all ethnicities and backgrounds-including doctors, engineers, and CEO-experience the same God.

    John Burke unveils the love story and characteristics of this God of all nations, revealed throughout history and in Scripture, now illustrated by these thrilling encounters. You will realize God’s love, power, compassion, friendship, and guidance are closer than you could ever imagine. And for such a time as this, people need to know a loving God is within their reach.

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  • Chosen Book Four 40 Days With Jesus


    You are called to Truth.

    Jesus came to fulfill Scripture, to seek and save the lost, and to testify to the truth. But truth can sometimes take a minute to grasp because we contend with it in a variety of ways under a variety of circumstances. Once Jesus collides with our lives-our deepest needs, cultural biases, personal motivations, even prideful objections-the outcome can be infuriating. Or exhilarating. Or anything in between.

    In The Chosen – Book Four, explore the angles from which you can better see Jesus and the things He taught. Learn from His followers how to really hear. To repent. To wait on His wisdom and timing. To obey. Written to accompany the hit multi-season series, each of these forty devotions contains a Scripture, a unique look into a Gospel story, suggestions for prayer, and questions that lead you further in your relationship with Christ.

    May we welcome His rebuke and testify to the Truth who is ever working within us…the outcome of which will, indeed, be nothing short of exhilarating.

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  • Youre Special ESV 25 Pack


    This all-time bestselling tract shares how everyone is special to God, and how he loves and desires to know each of us personally.

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  • Great Disappearance : 31 Ways To Be Rapture Ready


    The rapture is the central event in biblical prophecy. But what does it mean for us today? How can this crucial end times event draw us nearer to God in a world that is seemingly on the brink of chaos? Political turmoil, economic uncertainty, an ideological divide that feels increasingly impassable–the signs of the times point us toward the end, and that can be disconcerting.

    But the greatest truth about the rapture is not its timing, but its reality–for blessed are all who long for His appearing.

    The Great Disappearance is a culmination of decades of Dr. Jeremiah studying end times throughout the Bible. In this definitive volume he will explain the meaning of the word rapture, the difference between the rapture and the second coming, and the joy of expecting our Savior to come at any given moment. Dr. Jeremiah will also explore key questions such as:

    *Who will be raptured?
    *When will it happen?
    *What will happen to those left behind?
    *What will believers experience when they are taken away to heaven?
    *Will non-believers still have time to repent and be saved?

    Dr. Jeremiah seeks to answer all of those questions and many more, not with sensationalism or stories ripped from the headlines but with solid, biblical truth. Because God has laid out His plan for us in His Word so that we might not be caught unaware. We may not know the exact date that the rapture will happen, but we do know it will happen. Are you ready for it?

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  • Josiah Manifesto : The Ancient Mystery And Guide For The End Times


    The Newest Blockbuster Book by Jonathan Cahn!

    In his newest and soon coming explosive and prophetic book, Jonathan Cahn will reveal the stunning mysteries and revelations behind the recent events that have changed America, the world, and our lives… And the ancient key God has given to unlock the answer… as to how to prevail in view of what is yet to come!

    After seven explosive New York Times Best Sellers, Jonathan Cahn now releases his latest and new book The Josiah Manifesto.

    The Ancient Mystery & Guide for the End Times – as mind-blowing as all his best-sellers – and with something different – the ANSWER!

    The Josiah Manifesto opens up the stunning mysteries that lie behind the events that are unfolding before our eyes – and the key to unlock the answer, the guide, the manifesto – to stand and prevail in this hour and in light of what is yet to come. They are even now affecting your life!

    Is it possible that the dramatic events of recent times are actually the manifestations of mysteries that go back to ancient times? And is there a message hidden within them to give us the Answer for our times and the future – even a guide to the end times?

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  • God Never Gives Up On You


    Ever wonder if you’ve had one too many stumbles for God to use someone like you? If you could benefit from a tale of God’s unending, unbending, unswerving love and devotion, let bestselling author and pastor Max Lucado show you how God’s grace will transform your life.

    God Never Gives Up on You is a book for the members of the Lost Halo Society. For the strugglers among us and the fumbler within us. For those of us who are part saint, part scoundrel. We mean well, but we don’t always do well. We have breakthroughs and breakdowns, often in the same hour. We need no reminder of our failures, but we could always use a refresher course on God’s perfect plan to use imperfect people to do great things.

    No one is more suited to the task than Jacob. He was less a prodigy and more a prodigal. Strong on savvy. Low on conscience. Jacob took advantage of his famished brother and pulled the wool over the eyes of his dying father, yet God never turned his back on Jacob.

    God used Jacob because God chose to use Jacob. Period. The word for that kind of devotion? Grace. Grace came after Jacob. Grace found him in the desert. Grace protected him in exile. Grace wrestled him to the ground and blessed him. Grace led him home to Canaan.

    By taking a closer look at Jacob’s incredible story, you will:

    *learn to see the ways God turns your brokenness into blessings,

    *overcome shame and negative thoughts by embracing who you are in the eyes of a loving, merciful God, and

    *strengthen your relationships by leading a life marked by grace and forgiveness for yourself and others.

    Jacob’s story invites us to believe in a God who sticks beside the unworthy and underachievers and leads us safely home. If God can use Jacob to further his kingdom, he can use us too. Let Max show you how.

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  • They Will Soar On Eagles Wings Journal Isaiah 40:31 Gray With Zipper


    SKU (ISBN): 9781639522781ISBN10: 1639522786Compiled by: Christian Art GiftsBinding: Imitation LeatherPublished: July 2023Publisher: Christian Art Gifts

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  • Lord Bless You And Keep You Journal Numbers 6:24-25 Floral Stripes


    SKU (ISBN): 9781639522705ISBN10: 1639522700Compiled by: Christian Art GiftsBinding: Spiral BoundPublished: July 2023Publisher: Christian Art Gifts

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  • 199 Favorite Bible Verses For Graduates Green


    Celebrate your graduate’s remarkable achievements and memorable moments with the 199 Favorite Bible Verses for Graduates Green Faux Leather Gift Book. This devotional book serves as a testament to their hard work while reminding them of the ultimate measure of success-an authentic relationship with the Father.

    The softcover devotional exudes elegance with its luxurious green faux leather cover, tastefully embellished with a beautiful gold-foiled frame accentuated by delicate corner scroll designs. Subtle heat-debossed decorative lines grace the cover, adding a refined touch. The title is elegantly displayed in a combination of white and gold-foiled letters, further enhancing the aesthetic appeal.

    199 Favorite Bible Verses for Graduates

    The gold-foiled frame is repeated on the back cover. Make this booklet even more special for your graduate by personalizing it and adding a heartfelt message to the presentation page. Gilt-edged pages and a satin ribbon marker add to the elegance of the book.

    The book is meticulously organized into seven main themes, each featuring its own subsections. These themes include insights into what God knows about you, the significance of God as the cornerstone, teachings from God’s Word, the impact of Christ, what God offers, how Christ resolves challenges, and the abundant blessings God grants us. Each category presents a combination of inspiring Scripture verses and quotes from motivational speakers. Additionally, the booklet provides lined pages at the back, allowing you to add your own favorite Bible verses and personal notes.

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  • Bible Word Searches


    Bible Word Searches features 100 fun and fascinating word searches that range from easy to tricky and cover biblical topics from Genesis to Revelation-the perfect entertainment for a quiet evening at home or screen-free activity for kids.

    The book’s cover sports a grayscale and red theme, showcasing a sample word search on the front. The title and subtitle are prominently displayed in striking yellow and white letters.

    Bible Word Searches

    100 fun and faith-filled word searches

    The interior pages are white, printed in black, and contain 100 captivating word searches. These puzzles vary in difficulty and cover biblical topics from Genesis to Revelation. Not only will you relax and unwind as you search for the words, but you will also discover interesting facts about Bible times, places, and people. Each word search has a Scripture verse to reflect on, and as an added bonus, trivia questions have been scattered throughout for an extra challenge. If you’re stuck on a puzzle, don’t worry; all solutions are provided at the back of the book.

    Work your way through Bible Word Searches to keep your mind sharp and develop your problem-solving, spelling, and investigation skills. At the same time, you’ll enhance your knowledge, vocabulary, concentration, patience, and persistence.

    Consider gifting Bible Word Searches to a grandmother or mother as a birthday present, or share it with a friend recovering from an illness as a fun distraction. It also serves as an excellent activity book to occupy young minds in church. Bible Word Searches offers stress relief and cognitive stimulation for all ages.

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  • Calm Moments For Anxious Days


    In an uncertain world, it’s not always easy to put our worries into God’s hands. Beloved author and pastor Max Lucado weaves together biblical promises, gentle illustrations, and thoughtful practices to help you exchange your anxieties for God’s peace.

    Calm Moments for Anxious Days includes Scripture, devotional thoughts, and practical tools to help you release your anxieties one by one, breath by breath, into the safe hands of a God who will never leave you. Each brief but powerful entry includes:

    *A heartfelt devotion with ideas for applying God’s Word to your circumstances
    *A biblically-based promise or affirmation to replace your spiraling thoughts
    *Space for you to write out prayers, worries, and reminders of God’s faithfulness

    Including a quick-reference list of God’s promises, this 90-day devotional is ideal for seasons of stress, depression, and anxiety. Whether you’re facing grief or trauma, questioning your value or purpose, fatigued by the everyday trials of life, or wondering if that cloud of fear will ever leave you, Calm Moments for Anxious Days brings you back to truth and hope. Never minimizing your emotions and experiences, Lucado lovingly reminds you that there is Someone big enough to take away every anxious thought so you can know a peace that is beyond understanding.

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  • Letters Of Trust


    Friendship Letters Series — Doretta Schwartz has always enjoyed writing letters and feels her letters can be a bit of a ministry to her friends. In this series, exchanging letters that contain open and honest feeling and struggles helps Doretta and two of her best friends through the darkest challenges of their lives.

    A Simple Letter Carries Inspiration for Healing

    Life is good on their Pennsylvania Amish farm for newlyweds Vic and Eleanor Lapp–until the day Vic’s youngest brother drowns in their pond and Vic turns to alcohol to numb the pain. Things get so bad that Vic loses his job and their marriage is coming apart. Eleanor is desperate to help her husband and writes letters to her friend, Doretta, living in Indiana for advice. The trust Eleanor places in her friend and the gentle words she receives in return are a balm for even darker days to come in this first book of The Friendship Letters series by New York Times Bestselling Author Wanda E. Brunstetter.

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  • Youre Going To Make It


    In You’re Going to Make It: 50 Morning and Evening Devotions to Unrush Your Mind, Uncomplicate Your Heart, and Experience Healing Today, New York Times bestselling author Lysa TerKeurst helps you incorporate a new rhythm for those days when life feels too hard. The daily practice of receiving and releasing–receiving God’s encouragement, instruction, and truth to start your day and releasing to God all that’s weighing you down at the end of each day–sets you on a path toward healing.

    With 50 days of morning and evening devotions and beautiful color photography of significant locations where Lysa has worked through her own healing, You’re Going to Make It will help you stay connected to God and continue loving others even in the middle of discouraging, disappointing, or even devastating circumstances. Each devotion contains:

    *a Bible verse to start your day
    *a statement of truth to remember throughout your day
    *space to write and release something back to God at the end of your day
    *a prayer to receive before you go to sleep to better prepare for tomorrow

    Without these crucial components woven into the routine of our harder seasons, connecting with the Lord can very quickly begin to feel overwhelming and like just another item on our to-do lists. Lysa understands this struggle and wants to create a sacred space where women can bookend their days with God by simply showing up, soaking in truth, and being reminded they’re not alone on their healing journey.

    In her gentle, unassuming way, Lysa walks you through the pages of You’re Going to Make It, where you will:

    *receive the biblical truth and encouragement you need when hurtful situations leave you worn out and unmotivated to spend time with God.

    *escape the loneliness of trying to heal on your own with trusted wisdom from a Bible teacher and friend who understands your pain and wants to help you move forward.

    *be reassured that though this difficult season is part of your story, it will not be your whole story.

    This difficult season doesn’t have to be a time of numbing the pain or going through the motions. Let this devotional help you get intentional and know that, though this may be a hard time, it can also be a holy time.

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  • Seeing Beautiful Again Custom Edition


    In the middle of the pain you didn’t cause, the change you didn’t want, the reality you didn’t know was coming . . . your life can still be beautiful. We all have stories full of sorrow and celebration because of situations we’ve faced. But with God, there’s always more than we see being worked out behind the scenes. In Seeing Beautiful Again, New York Times bestselling author Lysa TerKeurst shares how she processed seasons of disappointment and heartbreak, while inviting you to hope again.

    Lysa assures us that the aching pain we feel is proof there’s a beautiful remaking already in process if we don’t give up. Through these 50 devotions, Scriptures, prayer prompts, and personal notes from Lysa, you will:

    *Gain healthier ways to process your pain and learn to see your situations through truth-based perspectives.

    *Disempower the lie that how you feel about your life is the full story by remembering with God there’s always something more true, lovely, and good right now.

    *Stop feeling alone in your struggles by spending guided time with God each day alongside Lysa, a friend who will bear witness to your hurts but also help you move on.

    While there’s no denying there are parts of our story we’d love to edit out, what if those circumstances are the unlikely ingredients God is using to weave together a greater good we’d never want to miss out on? Together we’ll discover the indescribable gift of our God, who breathes life into even the shattered pieces of our stories, creating something new and more beautiful than ever before.

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  • My Very First Noahs Ark Storybook


    The story of Noah just for babies with crinkle cloth and bright illustrations

    Get ready to set sail on the ark with Noah and all the animals! Fun, soft, and pleasantly noisy, this Bible story cloth book is the perfect introduction to God’s promises.

    Babies and toddlers will love the bright, happy, sometimes-silly illustrations. And they can follow along with the simple words as caregivers read the story out loud. With a soft and squishy fabric construction, little hands will love to play with the book–especially its crinkle-cloth cover!

    Each book comes packaged in high-quality plastic, including a header tag that makes hanging displays simple.

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  • Jesus Listens Note Taking Edition


    When your days feel overwhelming and your life is anxious and stressed, you can find peace and hope in Jesus. In Jesus Listens Note-Taking Edition by Sarah Young, author of Jesus Calling, you’ll find a 365-day devotional prayer book with Scripture and space on each day to write your thoughts and prayers. Each entry helps you find confidence to come to God in all circumstances with short, heartfelt prayers based on Scripture.

    God desires a relationship with you through continual conversation–prayer. Jesus Listens Note-Taking Edition can serve as your prayer journal, empowering you to pray daily, whether it’s your only prayer for the day or simply a jump-starter to your own prayers.

    Jesus Listens is ideal for those who:

    *Are going through difficult times and looking for rest and hope
    *Are busy with life’s demands, but want to grow their prayer life
    *Are not sure how to pray
    *Have been praying for years but want a closer relationship with God

    The biblical basis for each prayer in Jesus Listens is given at the end of each entry so you can continually return to God’s promises in Scripture. Jesus Listens Note-Taking Edition includes:

    *Space on each page to record your personal reflections and prayer lists
    *365 days of Bible-based prayers
    *Scripture references with emphasis on words quoted directly from the Bible
    *A beautifully designed interior
    *A ribbon marker to hold your place

    Whether you gift Jesus Listens Note-Taking Edition or pick it up yourself to establish a more consistent prayer practice, this devotional journal will greatly enrich your prayer. By praying Scripture through this daily devotional prayer book, you’ll experience how intentional prayer connects you to God, changes your heart, and can even move mountains.

    This special edition is sure to be a favorite. The cover has a striking, contemporary yet classic design, along with written-out Scripture verses, and journaling space on every page.

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  • Be On Your Guard Stand Firm In The Faith Journal


    The Stand Firm Two-Tone Brown Faux Leather Classic Journal is the perfect gift for an uncle, nephew, brother, son, or dad. Not only is the lined journal a practical gift, but the Bible verse on its cover will inspire him in his walk with Christ.

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  • World Of The End


    In a world that seems to be spinning out of control, we need hope more than ever. What if the life sustaining hope you need is found within the pages of the Bible?

    Join New York Times bestselling author and trusted Bible teacher, Dr. David Jeremiah’s as he unpacks the scriptures to reveal that the problems we are facing is to be expected, and in fact will increase as we draw closer to the End Times. But even more importantly we should not worry since Jesus has overcome the world. And because of this there is hope for this life, but more importantly for the next.

    Learn how:

    *The Bible has already laid the foundation on how we can live victoriously, even in difficult times

    *Jesus not only calls Christians to a higher standard, but equips us with the tools and strength we need to confidently follow him daily

    *And explore the gospels more closely to find the comfort you need to trust God is in control and that his plan is still working to completion

    Grow your faith, by going deeper, with Dr. David Jeremia

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  • Armor Of God Bible Study Book With Video Access


    All day, every day, an invisible war rages around you – unseen, unheard, yet felt throughout every aspect of your life. A devoted, devilish enemy seeks to wreak havoc on everything that matters to you: your heart, your mind, your marriage, your children, your relationships, your resilience, your dreams, your destiny.

    But his battle plan depends on catching you unaware and unarmed. If you’re tired of being pushed around and caught with your guard down, this study is for you.

    The enemy always fails miserably when he meets a woman dressed for the occasion. The Armor of God, more than merely a biblical description of the believer’s inventory, is an action plan for putting it on and developing a personalized strategy to secure victory.

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