Pastoral Helps

Showing 1–50 of 57 results

  • Gospel Of John Bible Study Book With Video Access (Student/Study Guide)


    Life. It seems to move at a break-neck pace. Days are filled with noise, screens, and appointments. Sometimes worry and fear are constant companions. The chaos can leave you looking for a place to be still, but that resting spot always seems to be an elusive destination. Jesus offers a different kind of life. He offers peace. He is peace.

    In this 7-session study on the Gospel of John, Melissa Spoelstra will encourage you to slow down and linger with the living Word. You’ll appreciate the pace of the Savior who never hurried but completed all that the Father called Him to accomplish. As you turn the pages of John’s Gospel, you’ll be challenged to take on the posture of a learner-understanding that the peace Jesus offers is not an ease of circumstances, but a stillness of the soul. As a result, you’ll grow in intimacy with Him and learn to live, serve, and rest in His peace.

    Video Sessions:

    *Session One: Introduction (23:01)-Melissa begins the video teaching on the Gospel of John by setting the context for the study. She shares about who John was writing to and his purpose for writing the Gospel. She also gives an overview of the six remaining video sessions, noting the themes and memory verses.

    *Session Two: Peace in the Plan of Jesus (25:59)-The video teaching for Session 2 centers on savoring peace in the plan of Jesus. Melissa focuses on John 1-3 to show us how God was the orchestrator of the salvation plan set before the beginning of time. This plan was accomplished by His power, evidenced His great love for us, and displayed His glory.

    *Session Three: Peace in the Power of Jesus (25:28)-John 4-6 is the focal point of the teaching in Session 3 video as Melissa talks about savoring peace in the power of Jesus. She discusses three of the seven signs (miracles) found in John’s Gospel and points out three important truths for us to remember. She challenges us to rest in the truth that God is powerfully able and willing to help us in our time of need.

    *Session Four: Peace in the Patience of Jesus (24:46)-In the Session 4 video teaching, Melissa focuses on savoring peace in the patience of Jesus. She’ll discuss portions of John 7-9 to reveal the big idea that when we look beneath the surface of our longings, we will find Jesus as our only source of satisfaction.

    *Session Five: Peace in the Purposes of Jesus (31:11)-Savoring peace in the purposes of Jesus is the theme of the Session 5 video teaching. Melissa looks at portions of John 10-1

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  • Psalm 23 Bible Study Book With Video Access (Student/Study Guide)


    Many women know Psalm 23 by heart but haven’t experienced its power in their lives. This beloved psalm can breathe new life into women who are weary and unsure of their next steps. It’s more than a psalm that comforts in death; it gives confidence in life.

    In this 7-session study by Jennifer Rothschild, gain fresh insight and encouragement from Psalm 23. Explore the depths of God’s compassionate care while debunking the self-reliance myth. Learn how your vulnerability is not a liability because you can trust the Shepherd’s goodness throughout each season of life.

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  • Discerning The Voice Of God Bible Study Book With Video Access (Student/Study Gu


    If hearing God has seemed challenging, Priscilla Shirer invites you to explore a more intimate relationship with Him, one that can make hearing Him-His will, His heart, and His voice-your ongoing experience. Discover how you can listen with greater confidence, clarity, and discernment. This revised study now includes substantially expanded content plus weekly insights from author and pastor (and Priscilla’s father), Dr. Tony Evans.

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  • Ashamed Bible Study Book With Video Access (Student/Study Guide)


    When Isaiah stepped into the throne room of God, he was “undone” by his sinfulness in view of God’s holiness. When an angel touched his mouth with a coal and told him his sin was forgiven, Isaiah essentially said, “Here I am. Send me. I don’t care where. I’m yours! I’ll do whatever!” He moved from being undone by shame to a hopeful humility and an eagerness to serve the Lord.

    In this 6-session study from Scarlet Hiltibidal, discover the deep, freeing truth that being undone is the right place to start. Move beyond your shame to the joy-inducing, peace-producing thrill that comes from a relationship with Jesus. We were made to live in the light-confessing and repenting and renouncing our shame-because Jesus experienced shame in our place.

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  • Devoted Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)


    Sisters, daughters, friends. Queens, missionaries, mothers. From Eve in Genesis 3 to Eunice in 2 Timothy 1, the Bible mentions countless women who bear witness to the faithfulness and love of God. While each woman is unique, they all have one thing in common-a life interwoven with God’s story of redemption.

    Spend 6 sessions studying more than 30 women in Scripture whose lives have inspired generations of women in their faith and devotion to God. Their stories are a reminder that you, too, are made in the image of God, and you have an important part to play in God’s story.

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  • When You Pray Bible Study Book With Video Access (Student/Study Guide)


    Do you have trouble thinking of words to say to God when you pray? Are you afraid some emotions are too intense to express to God? Do you reach the end of a day only to realize you haven’t prayed at all? You’re not alone. Prayer is the way we relate to God, but sometimes it’s a struggle. Throughout God’s Word, we encounter many voices who teach us how to pray.

    In this 7-session study, join with six beloved Bible teachers who will help you study prayers in the Bible that can inspire your own. You’ll learn that God welcomes your praise and lament, your thanksgiving and intercession. You’ll see examples of how to pray when you’re alone and when you’re gathered with others. Above all, you’ll notice there’s no one right way to pray. As you draw near to God through prayer, you’ll find your faith strengthened and your heart united to Christ.

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  • This Is Girls Ministry


    If you’ve been entrusted with a teen girl in your life, you have an incredible responsibility to love and lead her to Christ. This Is Girls Ministry invites each of us to step into a relationship that will spark new passion for discipleship and transform the hearts of the girls we share life with. We’ll identify fears that keep us from stepping up and break down barriers that show up when we do. In the end, we’ll discover that girls’ ministry is for all of us – student leaders, volunteers, moms, dads, and anyone else with a heart for leading the next generation to Christ.

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  • Gideon Bible Study Book With Video Access


    When we hear the name Gideon, most of us think about his 300 soldiers or the fleece he laid out under the evening sky. But Gideon’s story is so much bigger than that-bigger than any one man and his mark on Israel’s history. Like everything else in the Bible, this is a story about God and His people. His love for them, as well as His strength operating in spite of their weakness-even through their weakness. And because God’s people includes you and me, Gideon’s story is also about us-our lives, our doubts, our struggles, and our possibilities as believers. From a state of fear, weakness, and insecurity, Gideon emerged as Israel’s hero, filled with God’s presence and His passion for deliverance. This 7-session study by Priscilla Shirer will encourage you to recognize your weakness as the key that the Lord gives you to unlock the full experience of His strength in your life. In what ways do you feel insufficient? Those places create the greatest opportunity to experience the sufficiency of God. Instead of ignoring, neglecting, or trying to escape your weaknesses, see them as the gifts that they are, given specifically and strategically by God to unlock the door of God’s strength.

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  • Abide Bible Study Book With Video Access


    How can we hold onto assurance of our faith? How can we discern the truth from a lie? How can we know God loves us?

    In this 10-session study of 1, 2, and 3 John, Jen Wilkin will help you discover how 2,000 years later, the apostle John’s words call to Christians in similar challenges to recall a great salvation and to abide in the truth. He reminds an early church facing division, deception, and doubt to hold fast to what they know and to live like they believe it. And he reminds us as well.

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  • How Much More Bible Study Book With Video Access (Student/Study Guide)


    Maybe your head knows that God is always good, but your heart’s not so sure. Or perhaps while reading Scripture, you’ve wondered if our Creator Redeemer went through a personality change-from strictly enforcing the rules in the Old Testament to loving the outcast in the New!

    In this 7-session Bible study, you’ll discover divine love in the often overlooked and misunderstood passages in Scripture. And you’ll be delighted to find that Jehovah of the Old Testament is the same redemptive and compassionate God we see through Jesus Christ in the New Testament. He has always been and will always be for us!

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  • Ruth Bible Study Book Updated Edition With Video Access


    Most of us like a good rags-to-riches story, especially one that includes a bit of intrigue and a moving tale of love. We can easily get lost in a narrative where, at the beginning of the story, heartache reigned, but it was soon replaced by joy. Perhaps we’re drawn to these tales because they not only provide an escape, but hope.

    Many of us struggle through seasons of bitterness, tears, and loss, wondering if there could ever be a happy ending to our stories. The story of Ruth affirms that yes, there is hope. However, it’s not found in a happy ending scribed by a novelist’s pen, but in the power and protection of a sovereign God who never takes His eyes off of us for even a moment.

    In this 7-session study from Kelly Minter, we’ll examine Ruth’s journey of unbearable loss, redeeming love, and divine legacy. We’ll see how God proves Himself faithful as the One who rescues, revives, and restores. First released in 2009, this study is now updated with fresh content and new teaching videos from Kelly.

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  • Kingdom Man Bible Study Book With Video Access (Student/Study Guide)


    Kingdom Man Bible Study Book with Video Access guides men through the group sessions, personal study segments, and daily devotionals. Also, each Book contains unique codes that enable you to access free teaching videos for each session.

    This study is designed to empower men to exercise the God-given dominion they were created for by giving them a Kingdom understanding, vision, and perspective on their identity and responsibilities along with practical steps on how to become a man who rules his world well.

    Our culture has redefined manhood by emasculating men through a repositioning of the role. Men are portrayed as weak, self-serving, and unfocused. The Bible clearly communicates that man was created to exercise dominion over the various areas of his life, taking responsibility for himself and others entrusted to his care. When a man functions within the principles of biblical manhood, those around him benefit from his leadership and care.

    This men’s Bible study is designed to empower men to exercise the God-given dominion they were created for by giving them a Kingdom understanding, vision, and perspective on their identity and responsibilities, along with practical steps on how to become a man who rules his world well.

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  • Isaiah Bible Study Book With Video Access


    Isaiah served as God’s mouthpiece to the nation of Judah but also to the surrounding nations. His message echoes into our lives today as we read his call to rely on the Lord. Using the genres of poetry, narrative, and prophecy, Isaiah communicated clearly that followers of God could trust in Him.

    As you study the chapters Isaiah wrote-from his challenging words to the nation of Israel to his prophecies of the Messiah to come-learn to rest in God’s promises and grow in trust. Unpacking Isaiah’s words will reveal that you can trust God more than your own human effort or the counterfeits the world suggests. You won’t be striving harder, but instead trusting more deeply the Faithful One who is so worthy of our utter dependence. In Him you’ll find the comfort and peace you need to sustain you.

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  • Jesus And Women Bible Study Book With Video Access


    Imagine walking the dusty roads of Galilee with Jesus of Nazareth-braving jostling crowds just to touch the edge of His cloak and hear Him say, “Take heart, daughter, your faith has healed you.”

    Those words, once meant to comfort a hurting woman’s soul thousands of years ago, were also meant for you.

    Join biblical culturalist Kristi McLelland on those dusty roads as she transports you back to Jesus’ world, following in the footsteps of the women who came face-to-face with the Living God. Over 7 sessions, examine the historical and cultural climate of first-century Middle Eastern society to not only understand Jesus more deeply but to fuel your worship of Him today.

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  • Standard Lesson Commentary KJV 2022-2023


    For over twenty years, Standard Lesson Commentary (SLC) has been the most popular and trusted annual Bible commentary in the world. This nondenominational series provides 52 weeks of verse-by-verse commentary of Scripture, drawing you closer every day to God and His Word. With timely themes for your life, Standard Lesson Commentary 2022-2023 will help you study the Bible like never before.

    Key features include:
    *Printed Scripture
    *Detailed lesson context
    *Expert verse-by-verse commentary of the Bible text
    *Pronunciation guide for difficult words
    *Thoughtful discussion starters
    *A review quiz for each quarter

    Available in the King James Version ( KJV) and New International Version(R) ( NIV) Bible translations, the SLC is based on the popular Uniform Series. This series, developed by scholars from numerous church fellowships, outlines an in-depth study of the Bible over a six-year period.

    The four main themes of the 2022-2023 study are:

    *God’s Exceptional Choice–Genesis, Exodus, Deuteronomy, Judges, 1 Samuel, Ephesians

    *From Darkness to Light–2 Chronicles, Isaiah, Joel, Luke, 1 Corinthians, 2 Timothy, James, 1 Peter

    *Jesus Calls Us–Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts

    *The Righteous Reign of God–Isaiah, Ezekiel, Zephaniah, Zechariah, Matthew, Romans, Galatians, 1 Corinthians

    The SLC is perfect as the primary resource for an adult Sunday School class, for personal study, or as a supplemental resource for any curriculum that follows the ISSL/Uniform Series. Nearly two dozen ministers, teachers, and Christian education specialists contribute their expertise to SLC.

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  • Gospel On The Ground Bible Study Book With Video Access


    Come along with biblical culturalist Kristi McLelland as she unpacks the life of the early church in the book of Acts and shows us that the kingdom of God is always on the move, always looking outward to bring meaning and joy to a world searching for true fulfillment and hope. Explore the call of Jesus to His disciples then and to us today. See how God’s Word can sustain us even in the most difficult of times and embrace the transformative grace we experience as children of God in His kingdom of celebration.

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  • Kingdom Men Rising Bible Study Book With Video Access (Student/Study Guide)


    Kingdom Men Rising Bible Study Book with Video Access includes printed content for eight sessions, personal study between group sessions, applicable Scripture, “How to Use This Study,” a leader guide, tips for leading a group, and a D-group guide. Also, each Book contains unique codes that enable you to access teaching videos for each session.

    Our culture is seeing confusion about what it means to be a man. Even notions of masculinity have, in many corners, become toxic. Kingdom Men Rising has been created to speak truth into a poorly defined and disoriented culture about the purpose and future of masculinity from a biblical perspective. In this Bible study, men will wrestle honestly with the unique questions and circumstances they face today. It invites men deep into their own stories to reveal the true expression of masculinity-God’s intent.

    This study is designed to exhort men to exercise the God-given place in the home, community, and culture they were created for through an examination of landmark texts from the Bible and historical biblical figures. This experience will bring greater clarity to a Kingdom understanding, vision, and perspective in crucial areas such as identity and responsibilities. Along the way, Evans shares practical steps on how to become a man who leads his world well.

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  • Experiencing God Bible Study Book With Video Access


    Experiencing God Bible Study Book includes revised printed content for 12 sessions, personal study between group sessions, and applicable Scripture. Also, each Book contains unique codes that enable you to access teaching videos for each session.

    Over the years, God has used the truths of Experiencing God to awaken believers to a radically God-centered way of life. As a result, millions have come to know God intimately, to recognize His voice, and to understand His will for their lives. This new edition is revised, updated, and ready to help you again-or for the very first time-experience your Creator.

    God is inviting you into an intimate love relationship through which He reveals to you His will, His ways, and His work. When you recognize where God is working, you can join Him in what He is doing. Carefully listening to His voice will anchor you in His plan and set you free to live it with boldness and freedom. Then you will experience God doing through you what only He can do.

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  • Finding I AM Bible Study Book With Video Access


    What is the deep cry of your heart? The ache in your soul just waiting to be fulfilled? The prayer you keep repeating without end? Jesus not only cares about this deep, spiritual wrestling, but He also wants to step in and see you through it.

    Join Lysa TerKeurst on the streets of Israel to explore the I AM statements of Jesus found in the Gospel of John, ultimately trading feelings of emptiness and depletion for the fullness of knowing who Jesus is in this in-depth Bible study.

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  • Armor Of God Bible Study Book With Video Access


    All day, every day, an invisible war rages around you – unseen, unheard, yet felt throughout every aspect of your life. A devoted, devilish enemy seeks to wreak havoc on everything that matters to you: your heart, your mind, your marriage, your children, your relationships, your resilience, your dreams, your destiny.

    But his battle plan depends on catching you unaware and unarmed. If you’re tired of being pushed around and caught with your guard down, this study is for you.

    The enemy always fails miserably when he meets a woman dressed for the occasion. The Armor of God, more than merely a biblical description of the believer’s inventory, is an action plan for putting it on and developing a personalized strategy to secure victory.

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  • Seamless Bible Study Book With Video Access (Student/Study Guide)


    In 7 sessions, Seamless covers the people, places, and promises of the Bible, tying them together into the greater story of Scripture. You’ll gain an overarching understanding of the fundamental layout and meaning of God’s Word.

    Seamless will help replace the insecurity that holds you back with clarity and helping you move forward with confidence in their understanding of Scripture. Each week of study features key information that ties all of Scripture together into the seamless truth of the gospel message and is accompanied by maps, general Bible facts, and word studies.

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  • Encountering God Teen Girls Bible Study Book


    Join Kelly Minter in this seven-session Bible study as she unpacks the biblical foundation for practical and approachable disciplines like prayer, study, worship, rest, simplicity, generosity, celebration, and many more. Teen girls will discover that spiritual disciplines aren’t just one more thing to add to their to-do list, but something that can actually create more margin in their life, resulting in deeper peace, communion, and rest. And perhaps most importantly, cultivating habits of faith will help girls know God more, as they release control to Him, express their need for Him, and walk in glad submission and worship of Him.

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  • Find Your People Study Guide Plus Streaming Video (Student/Study Guide)


    This Study Guide includes:

    *Individual access to 7 streaming video sessions
    *Discussion and reflection questions with video notes
    *Personal study between sessions
    *Leader’s Guide

    Never in the history of civilization have we been more connected and felt more alone. We are all so lonely. What if fundamentally the ways we have set up our lives is broken? We’ve withdrawn rather than moved through it. We want supper clubs and friends, instead of war partners. We have a wrong view of community.

    This 7-session video Bible study begins with a look at the original community in Genesis, the Trinity, and the creation of people to see what God had planned for us all along. We will also discover throughout the study the five life patterns required to build deep, connected relationships:

    *Shared Mission

    The seven sessions include:

    *Week 1: Introduction / God’s Plan It is not good for man to be alone. (Creation)

    *Week 2: Shame / The Disruption of Community Then the eyes of both were opened, and they knew that they were naked. (Shame)

    *Week 3: Sitting Around the Fire / Proximity I will make My dwelling among you. (God’s Presence)

    *Week 4: Working Together / Shared Mission Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others. (Jesus and the Disciples)

    *Week 5: Open Doors / Transparency And all who believed were together and had all things in common. (Acts)

    *Week 6: Tribal Elders / Accountability Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. (The Church Grows)

    *Week 7: Meals Together / Consistency Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples. (The Kingdom of God / New Heavens)

    Designed for use with the following items, each sold separately:
    Find Your People Video Study
    Find Your People Conversation Card Deck

    *Access code subject to expiration after 12/31/2026. Code may be redeemed only by the recipient of this package. Code may not be transferred or sold separately from this package. Internet connection required. Eligible only on retail purchases inside the United States. Void where prohibited, taxed, or restricted by law. Additional offer details inside.

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  • God Of Freedom Bible Study Book With Video Access (Student/Study Guide)


    Every book of the Bible tells us what is true about God. In Genesis we see Him as Creator and Covenant Maker. In Exodus we see Him as our strong Deliverer who sets us free from sin and death.

    In this 10-session study of Exodus 19-40, journey through the story of how God shepherds His newly-liberated children into an understanding of what their freedom means: lives consecrated for service to God and to one another. Revisit familiar scenes of the giving of the Ten Commandments, the idolatrous worship of a golden calf, and of the intricate details of the tabernacle. And with fresh perspective, ask what these stories teach God’s children today about how to live as those set free.

    In every page of the Bible, learn to see Christ through the stories of His people. And discover how the God who created you and made a covenant with you will deliver you from death to life, for His name and renown.

    Additional purchase or renting of the video teaching sessions is recommended for the best experience of this Bible study book.

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  • No More Excuses Teen Guys Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)


    No More Excuses Teen Guys’ Bible Study Book includes printed content for eight sessions, personal study between group sessions, applicable Scripture, “How to Use This Study,” and a leader guide.

    Sometimes circumstances in life make it difficult for young men to be all God wants them to be. But Tony Evans urges guys to stop looking at their circumstances as excuses and instead to see them as challenges and opportunities for success.

    Exploring examples of men of God throughout the Bible, this study will challenge teen guys to lay down their excuses, stop compromising, and fight to be a man of character and commitment. Despite setbacks, failures, and pressures, guys can still find purpose, meaning, and direction in life and become the men God has called them to be.

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  • Encountering God Bible Study Book


    In Encountering God, Kelly Minter explores how essential spiritual disciplines are to our faith experience and everyday lives. She’ll unpack the biblical foundation for these sacred habits along with approachable ways to practice disciplines like prayer, study, worship, rest, simplicity, hospitality, and celebration.

    Over 8 sessions, you’ll discover that spiritual disciplines aren’t just one more thing to add to your to-do list, but they can actually create more margin in your life, resulting in deeper peace, communion, and rest. And perhaps most importantly, cultivating habits of faith help you know God more, as you release control to Him, express your need for Him, and walk in glad submission and worship of Him.

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  • How Much More Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)


    Have you ever wished certain passages weren’t in the Bible?

    It can be all too easy to trade the truth of God’s grace and mercy for a skewed view of certain biblical texts that seem to paint God as oppressive, distant, or difficult to understand. Upon closer examination, this harsh view of God is the exact opposite of His true character. God welcomes His children with deep compassion and care, while holding all power and authority.

    In this 7-session study, discover God’s extravagant love in some of Scripture’s most misunderstood passages. Because the God of the Old Testament is the same redemptive, loving, and grace-filled God we see through Christ in the New Testament.

    How Much More will show you that God is for you-even in the places He may have seemed silent before.

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  • U Turns Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)


    In U-Turns, best-selling author and renowned preacher Tony Evans shows participants the reality of human freedom, the consequences that come from bad choices, and the way to reverse those consequences.

    By aligning your life choices under God’s Word and pursuing an intimate relationship with Him, you can experience the abundant life Jesus has for you. You get to choose whether or not you want that. If you do, you will see how God can work to redeem the negative consequences of decisions you’ve made.

    The U-Turns Bible Study Book includes printed content for six sessions, personal study between group sessions, applicable Scripture, “How to Use This Study,” a leader guide, and tips for leading a group.

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  • Top 50 Science Based Bible Lessons Elementary Ages 5-10


    SKU (ISBN): 9781628629606ISBN10: 1628629606Compiled by: RoseKidzBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 2020Instant Bible LessonsPublisher: RoseKidz

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  • Friends With God Bible Lessons New Testament


    13 surprising visitors are heading to your Sunday school class–and they’ll change how your kids look at the Bible…forever!

    See your kids’ faces light up as an angel appears, describing the fun of surprising shepherds on a hillside outside Bethlehem with the best news ever. Imagine the impact when Mary whispers how she’s trusting God to protect her little family as they flee to Egypt to keep Jesus safe. Or when Peter shares how Jesus’ power let him heal a man who’d never walked–a man who then leapt, danced, and praised God! Your kids (grades 1-5) will explore 13 Bible stories along with people who were actually there. Your kids will discover these action-packed, emotion-filled stories happened to real people–people just like them! Each one-hour Sunday school lesson includes an interactive script, friend-making icebreaker, giggle-worthy game, creative craft, and powerful prayer time…plus you’ll get a 12-song sing-along CD. You’ll reach every type of learner with first-person accounts that cement learning for a lifetime!

    This book includes reproducible pages.

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  • Top 50 Creative Bible Lessons Fun Activities For Preschoolers Ages 2-5


    Top 50 Creative Bible Lessons for Preschoolers has everything you need to teach children ages two to five for a whole year! It’s filled with great Bible stories; step-by-step, easy-to-use instructions; fun activities; and TONS of reproducible pages. These lessons have everything you need to reach young children with the good news of God’s amazing love.

    Each Bible Lesson for Preschoolers Includes:
    *Bible story plus visual
    *Memory verse and discussion questions
    *Take-home sheets (and coloring pages)
    *Step-by-step instructions and tips for kids Sunday school teachers
    *2-3 flexible Bible activity options, including Bible puzzles, Bible crafts, games, snack ideas (AND MORE!)

    Imagine having a full year of fun and age-appropriate lessons that include teacher-friendly activities. All materials are easy-to-find, making prep a snap! Easily adapt these flexible lessons to Sunday school, children’s church, midweek Bible study, Christian school classroom, or your family home. Packed with puzzles, games, crafts, and awesome Bible stories, these kids’ Bible lessons will keep your preschoolers actively involved in creative learning.

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  • Sanctification : God’s Passion For His People


    This book points to the primary aim of pastoral ministry: the sanctification of God’s people. Drawing on John 17 and Titus 2:11-15, veteran pastor John MacArthur makes the case that God’s passion for his people is their sanctification, defined as “the process of fighting for full joy and not selling out for a cheap substitute along the pathway.” He describes 3 hindrances to sanctification (heresy, complacency, and culture) and shows pastors how to work toward the sanctification of their members. Pastors and church leaders will see how, through preaching and discipleship, they can help their members be conformed to Christ.

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  • Friends With God Bible Lessons Old Testament


    You’re about to have 13 surprising visitors come to your Sunday school class…and change the way kids look at the Bible!

    Imagine what it would be like to have Abram himself drop in and share about the night God showed him a sky full of stars, and made a life-changing promise.
    Or picture the power of Moses delving into his adventures, bringing kids along to Egypt, the Red Sea…and freedom!

    And, if Naomi visited your classroom, how powerful would her story be, drawing kids into an epic journey with Ruth?

    Well, that’s just how real, surprising, and memorable your ministry is about to become! Each of these 13 hour-long lessons includes an interactive script in which a Bible character drops in on your classroom to share his or her incredible, true adventures–and bring kids (grades 1-5) along for the ride. Each of these Biblical accounts is told in the first person, inspired by the delightful Friends With God Story Bible (a great companion resource for your students). As kids explore the Bible story along with “the source,” they’ll discover that these action-packed, emotion-filled stories actually happened to real people.

    All you need is a hammy volunteer who can look the script over and be familiar with it–and willing to have fun with their role. You’ll be on-hand to pass out props and lead kids in joining the Bible adventure with all of their senses. Oh, and of course each lesson includes friend-making icebreakers, giggle-inducing games, creative crafts, and powerful prayer times to reach every kind of learner.

    This book includes reproducible pages.

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  • Better Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)


    In this verse-by-verse study of the Book of Hebrews, Jen Wilkin explores how God “provided something better for us” in the person of Jesus Christ (Heb. 11:40). Through stories of Old Testament heroes and practices, the author of Hebrews demonstrates how the new covenant is superior to the old and how Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of every promise. Explore familiar verses in context of the entire Bible, learning how to place your hope and faith in Christ alone.

    (10 sessions)

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  • Trustworthy Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)


    When hard times come and it seems God is deviating from the plan we assume our life should follow, we’re more likely to want to tame God, not trust Him. It’s then that we begin to press into our ways and our own timing. No human can carry the weight of being their own god, but so many of us try.

    In this 6-session study of 1 & 2 Kings, join Lysa TerKeurst in Israel as she honestly reveals the places of distrust in her own heart while exploring the deeply applicable Scriptures that will teach us how to truly trust God.

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  • Something Needs To Change Teen Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)


    Come Take a Journey.

    On a trip to the Himalayan mountains, David Platt was confronted with staggering physical and spiritual needs unlike any he had ever seen. On leaving, Platt found himself asking fundamental questions about his life and ministry. He realized that something needed to change.

    Being confronted with suffering causes us to ask questions that, if we are honest, we would rather ignore. However, if we believe the Bible, ignorance of profound human need is not an option for us. Neither is indifference. We cannot be Christians and turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to the world in need around us. If those responses become the commentary of our lives and our churches, then one fact will be abundantly clear: we were not following Jesus on our journey through this life.

    What does it mean to follow Jesus in a world filled with urgent physical and spiritual needs? In this Something Needs to Change teen Bible study, David Platt explores that question as he takes you on a life-altering trek through the Himalayas.

    Something Needs to Change Teen Bible Study Book includes printed content for eight small group sessions, personal study between group sessions, applicable Scripture, “How to Use This Study,” tips for leading a group, and a leader guide.

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  • No More Excuses Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)


    No More Excuses Bible Study Book includes printed content for eight sessions, personal study between group sessions, applicable Scripture, “How to Use This Study,” tips for leading a group, and a guide for D-Groups.

    Sometimes circumstances in life make it difficult for men to be all God wants them to be. But Tony Evans urges men to stop looking at their circumstances as excuses and instead to see them as challenges and opportunities for success.

    Exploring examples of men of God throughout the Bible, this study will challenge you to lay down your excuses, stop compromising, and fight to be a man of character and commitment. Despite your setbacks, failures, and pressures, you can still find purpose, meaning, and direction in life and become the man God has called you to be.

    Session topics:
    1. No More Hiding Behind the Past
    2. No More Holding Back
    3. No More Weak Leadership
    4. No More Going Through the Motions
    5. No More Compromising Your Integrity
    6. No More Sifting Through the Rubble
    7. No More Half Stepping
    8. No More Standing on the Sidelines

    – Eight small-group sessions
    – Personal-study opportunities for ongoing spiritual growth

    – Become the man God has called you to be.
    – Learn from the examples of men in the Bible.
    – Overcome setbacks and obstacles on the path to spiritual growth.
    – See hard circumstances as opportunities for growth.
    – Challenge yourself to be a man of character and commitment.
    – Fight for purpose and meaning in your life.
    – Lead with strength and godliness.
    – Make decisions and take action while keeping your godly character intact.
    – Commit to walk through life with other men who will point you to Jesus.

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  • Sciency Fun WOWS 54 Surprising Bible Object Lessons Ages 3-7


    Science experiments are a surefire way to get kids’ attention. Even better? When they get to help! Supplement your Bible lessons with these Bible-related object lessons from the popular Dig In curriculum. Your 3- to 7-year-olds will participate in exciting science fun that focuses on the life of Jesus.Here’s a few of the 54 engaging ideas you’ll find inside: – Using vinegar and baking soda to inflate a balloon (reminding kids that Jesus heals the sick) – Harnessing the power of static electricity to pick up various items (demonstrating Jesus’ power over sickness and death) – Testing homemade listening devices (a reminder that Jesus hears us) – Putting a balloon on a fan and watching what happens (to learn that Jesus helps us believe in him, even though we can’t see him) These memorable object lessons will stick with kids for years to come! The Scripture and topical indexes make it easy to find an experince that goes with your Bible lesson. Get ready for a lot of oohs, ahs, and wows as kids are amazed to see how science can illustrate important Bible truths. This book includes reproducible pages.

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  • Sciency Fun Wows Ages 8-12


    Science experiments are a surefire way to get kids’ attention. Even better? When they get to help! Supplement your Bible lessons with these Bible-related object lessons from the popular Dig In curriculum. 8- to 12-year-olds will participate in exciting science fun that focuses on the life of Jesus.Here’s a few of the 54 clever ideas you’ll find inside: – Experimenting with how many paper clips fit into a full cup of water (reminding kids that Jesus has room in his heart for everyone) – See how water prevents a balloon from popping (demonstrating Jesus’ power over sickness and death) – Using static to repel two pieces of tape, then to attract them together (an illustration of how Jesus is drawn to children) – Using pressure to make ketchup sink or float in water (encouraging kids not to hold on to grudges because Jesus loves even his enemies) These memorable object lessons will stick with kids for years to come! The Scripture and topical indexes make it easy to find an experience that goes with your Bible lesson. Get ready for a lot of oohs, ahs, and wows as kids are amazed to see how science can illustrate important Bible truths. This book includes reproducible pages.

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  • 13 Very Big Mistakes People Made And What God Did About Them


    If you want kids to do God’s Word and not just hear it–you’re in exactly the right place.

    Each session focuses on one key Bible truth–kids will discover it, think about it, talk about it, pray about it, and apply what they learn. You’ll drive that point home through Bible exploration, fun discussions, giggle-worthy games, and oh-wow activities that engage kids in multiple ways.

    Just add an adult or teenage leader to these easy-to-lead sessions to keep kids engaged, entertained, and growing in their faith! Each session is
    *Flexible–sessions work for 1 or 2 kids, 12 kids, or more
    *Multi-aged–suitable for all elementary kids
    *Low-prep–using easy-to-find supplies
    *45 minutes of fun–with time stretchers to fill an hour
    *Relational–children grow close to Jesus and each other

    Perfect for any children’s ministry program–Sunday school, children’s church, and more!

    Help kids discover the faith-building, life-changing truths tucked into the stories of 13 very big mistakes people made. They will see how Adam and Eve, Jonah, King Saul, and others stepped away from God and straight into big trouble. And along the way, kids will be challenged to never step away from God and will grow in their certainty that God loves them–no matter what!

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  • Quest Older Kids Activity Book (Student/Study Guide)


    The Quest Older Kids Activity Book by best-selling author Beth Moore, contains activities related to each session and daily queries designed to engage kids in using their Bibles, thinking through questions, and journaling. Plus, Parent Pages are included so parents can lead kids on The Quest at home.

    The Quest for Kids: An Expedition Toward a Deeper Relationship with God takes kids in grades 1-6 on a 6-week journey through God’s Word to help them grow closer to God.

    Kids can learn that:
    * God created you to have a relationship with Him.
    * God is sending you on an adventure for Him as an ambassador.
    * God loves to talk with you and wants to use your questions and the events in your life to bring you closer to God.

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  • Feed The Dog Teen Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)


    A man had two dogs. The one he fed grew the biggest.

    There’s an old parable about a man who had two dogs that were constantly at war with each other. One of the dogs was good, representing virtues like loyalty and kindness. The other dog was bad, representing vices such as hatred and lust. Which dog won in the end? That’s easy: the one he fed.

    In the same way, we have two fundamental natures battling for our attention on a daily basis-a sinful flesh and a righteous spirit. Through Christ, we have the ability to choose which nature we will “feed,” leading us either further away from or closer to His likeness.

    Feed the Dog is a video-driven Bible study for middle and high school students (grades 7-12). Through the artistry of illusion and his unique gift of evangelism, Brock Gill guides students to realize the importance of nourishing the spirit through the daily practice of spiritual disciplines. Over the course of eight sessions, students will learn that spiritual disciplines are something we develop over time. With practice and perseverance, students will be able to discern the truth and focus on what’s important. They will “taste and see that the Lord is good” (Ps. 34:8), growing in their relationship with Christ and pointing others to Him.

    Also Available:
    -Feed the Dog Kit includes this Bible study book and a DVD for group study featuring illusions and teaching by Brock Gill.
    -E-book and digital leader kit available at

    -Interactive weekly teaching videos (approximately 8-10 minutes each) available with the purchase of a Leader Kit
    -Leader Guide to facilitate small group discussion (located at the back of each book)
    -6 days of personal study to complete between group sessions
    -Biblically rooted and gospel-centered
    -8 group sessions, 7 weeks of homework

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  • Top 50 Object Lessons Games And Activities


    The RoseKidz Top 50 series continues with the Top 50 Bible Object lessons to teach the Top 50 Bible Stories! Easy to follow, volunteer friendly directions create opportunities for children to remember the main theme using object lessons. Using science and everyday objects, you can teach kids key themes such as God’s love with science, food, and more!

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  • Top 50 Instant Bible Lessons For Elementary


    Part of our Top 50 series, enjoy 50 fully-reproducible kids’ Bible lessons for elementary-aged children (ages: 5-10). This brand new resource includes two bonus lessons for Christmas and Easter, making it perfect to use as an easy full year curriculum. Each story comes with an easy-to-follow object lesson and 2-3 volunteer-friendly activities. Use this reproducible book for weekend curriculum or mid-week teaching opportunities. Each lesson is volunteer-friendly and child approved! Packed with object lessons, puzzles, games and crafts, these kids’ Top 50 Bible stories will keep your elementary-aged children actively involved and growing in God’s Word.

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  • Student Survival Kit Revised (Student/Study Guide)


    Student Survival Kit by Ralph Neighbour Jr. is a classic resource for new Christians and has, with the same trusted content, been re-designed for this generation of students with a new, culturally relevant look. As students move beyond their critical decision to trust Jesus for eternal life, they will explore topics like sin, doubt, and sharing their faith as they encounter five specific stages in their walk with God:

    The silent Christian stages
    This 11-session resource will also help students learn the basics of growing in Christ – establishing a quiet time, learning to pray, and learning to study the Bible and use it as a tool for growth. Equip your students to survive and thrive as they walk with God!

    Week 1: The Indwelling Christ
    Week 2: One Body: Its Life
    Week 3: One Body: Its Service
    Week 4: Two Natures, Part One: The New Nature
    Week 5: Two Natures, Part Two: The Old Nature
    Week 6: Salvation: Its Beginning and Completion
    Week 7: Salvation: A Daily Process
    Week 8: Authority: Three Inadequate Sources
    Week 9: Authority: One True Source
    Week 10: The Five & Five Principle in Prayer
    Week 11: The Five & Five Principle in Witnessing

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  • Seamless Teen Girls Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)


    Seamless is a seven-session study that covers major events from the Bible, tying them together into the greater story of Scripture. The goal is to lead girls to a complete understanding of God’s story as seen from Genesis to Revelation.

    Each session will feature people, places, and promises including maps, general Bible facts, word studies, and key information that ties all of Scripture together into the seamless truth of the gospel message.


    Seven sessions
    Student book ($11.99)
    – 176 pages
    – 7×9
    – 4 color cover / 2 color inside
    – Leader Guide in the back


    Girls will see the big picture as they explore overarching themes of Scripture and see how God’s love and grace are woven together as one seamless thread
    Leaders can be assured of a trusted teacher as they lead girls through group sessions and show video segments
    For girls wanting to deepen their knowledge of Scripture or for new believers who are wanting to see how the themes from the Old and New Testaments are connected

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  • What Love Is Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)


    The letters of 1, 2, & 3 John were written to encourage followers of Jesus to remain faithful to the truth. Believers are challenged to look at contrasting themes such as walking in the light instead of darkness, truth versus lies and deception, loving God more than loving the world, and the meaning of true fellowship and community rather than shallowness. This study reveals not only the heart of John but also the heart of Jesus.


    6 weeks of personal study material
    Great addition to The Living Room Series that includes recipes and a relational approach

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  • Making Of A Man Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    What Does It Take to Be a Godly Man? Every young boy dreams about what he wants to be when he grows up. Some have goals of becoming an astronaut, or a fireman, or a professional athlete. But what does it take to be a man? How does a young person get there?

    In this six-session video-based curriculum, NFL All-Pro, sports analyst, and businessman Tim Brown uses experiences from his life to teach men the principles and priorities he has learned for leading a life that honors God. Through his stories of struggling with God, overcoming temptations, and discovering what it takes to be a good husband and father, he shares what true manhood is all about and what guys must do to attain it. These principles have helped Tim lead a life of honor and integrity that has made him one of the most respected men in the world of sports.

    The Making of a Man will not only inspire men of all ages but also challenge them to measure their lives and success by a higher standard.Designed for use with The Making of a Man: A Video-based Study (978-0529-11308-5)

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  • Heroes Of The Bible For Elementary Children


    All-in-One Bible Fun is the perfect children’s program for teachers on a budget or looking for a simpler approach. Each book is a collection of 13 Bible lessons for children containing a plan with opening, story, activity, and craft. The material is undated so teachers can use throughout the year.

    Heroes of the Bible lessons include:
    Paul, and more

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  • 1 In A Million Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)


    One in a Million: Journey to Your Promised Land – Member Book by Priscilla Shirer provides a personal study experience five days a week plus viewer guides for the group video sessions of this discussion-driven women’s Bible study. Priscilla encourages participants to fully engage in the abundant life God has waiting for those who will allow Him to take the lead in daily living. One in a Million is an opportunity for you to experience your deliverance from strongholds, to conquer your wilderness living, and to claim your God-given inheritance.

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