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Romance Fiction

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  • Courting The Country Preacher


    Every Preacher Needs a Wife, Right?

    Being a preacher in the countryside is not for the faint of heart nor faith. Four inexperienced preachers face a myriad of challenges including those who figure a man of the cloth needs a wife. Can they meet the expectations of “helpful” congregants and be true to their hearts?
    The Mountie’s Rival by Angela K Couch

    Canada, 1907 — Tired of living in his twin’s shadow, Jonathan Burton is frustrated to find himself serving as a still wet-behind-the-ears preacher in the same community as his Mountie brother. How is he to find a wife when all the eligible women of the community seem enamored by his dashing brother in scarlet uniform?

    Convincing the Circuit Preacher by Carolyn Miller
    Australia, 1863 — As soon as Dorothea Maclean saw the country preacher, she knew Mr. Hammill was the man of her dreams. Now she just needs to convince her wealthy parents–and Mr. Hammill.

    The Angel and the Sky Pilot by Naomi Musch
    Minnesota, 1905 — A preacher with a checkered past sets off to win souls in the lumber camps like the “sky pilots” before him. But can he earn the respect of hard-living men–and still respect himself–after a local trader’s daughter joins the all-male congregation?

    Mail Order Minister by Kari Trumbo
    South Dakota, 1889 — Olive’s parents mail-ordered a preacher and prayed he’d be a husband for their daughter. The rest of the town–and Olive–have other ideas.

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  • Serenitys Secret


    Serenity Holds Her Secrets Close

    Full of faith, hope, and romance, this series takes you into the Heart of Amish country.

    Serenity Miller has much to love about life as the owner of The Pink Petal in Arthur, Illinois, and enjoys trying natural remedies and exploring garage sales. Then comes the day her neighbor, Stephen Lantz, saves her from trespassers on her property and their friendship deepens into an attraction Serenity knows can never lead to marriage. She holds secrets she can never divulge, despite Stephen’s way of wooing her. But how can Serenity return to her life of contentment after a taste of love? And when danger returns, will it steal her last hope for a bright future?

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  • Lancaster Amish Christmas


    Christmas Is Simply a Time for Love

    Enjoy a simple Amish Christmas in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, that is sweetened by second chances, trimmed in love, and wrapped in faith.

    Lucy’s Christmas Sunbeam by Anne Blackburne
    When her parents suddenly died, Lucy stepped into the mother role for her infant sister with Down’s Syndrome. But Lucy’s boyfriend wasn’t interested in a readymade family. Living in the dawdi house on her brother’s farm, Lucy is happy with life–until she literally runs into the hardware store owner and desire for romance returns.

    A Bird-in-Hand Christmas by Amy Clipston
    After learning her boyfriend, Wyatt, was seeing someone else, Makayla moved across state and married. Recently widowed, she visits her parents for Christmas, only to find that Wyatt is still single and working for her father. When her five-year-old son instantly bonds with Wyatt, Makayla starts to hope for a second chance at love.

    Christmas Lily by Amy Lillard
    Seven-year-old Jacob Bontrager is working hard to help his lonely widower father find love again. He believes his pretty new teacher who has just moved to the community is perfect, but none of his matchmaking works until a snowstorm strands Lily Kate Troyer at the Bontrager farm. Could God and nature be on Jacob’s side?

    Leaving Lancaster by Mindy Steele
    The Wicky sisters didn’t expect their father to sell their thriving deer farm with plans to move them to Kentucky. Always obedient Louise fears for her growing jam business. Beth cannot wait to start a new adventure while her twin, Leah, is running out of time for a happy-ever-after. They have only one Christmas left in Lancaster. Can God deliver a Christmas miracle for all three?

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  • Virginia : A Riveting Story Based On The Lost Colony Of Roanake


    The White Doe of the Outer Banks Grows into Womanhood

    Return to the “what if” questions surrounding the Lost Colony and explore the possible fate of Virginia Dare–the first English child born in the New World. What happened to her after her grandfather John White returned to England and the colony he established disappeared into the mists of time? Legends abound, but she was indeed a real girl who, if she survived to adulthood, must have also become part of the legacy that is the people of the Outer Banks. In the spring of 1602 by English reckoning, “Ginny,” as she is called by family and friends, is fourteen and firmly considered a grown woman by the standards of the People. For her entire life she has watched the beautiful give-and-take of the Kurawoten and other native peoples with the English who came from across the ocean. She’s enjoyed being the darling of both English and Kurawoten alike–but a stirring deep inside her will not be put to rest.

    One careless decision lands her and fellow “first baby” Henry Harvie, along with their Croatoan friend Redbud, in enemy hands. Carried away into Mangoac territory, out of the reach of Manteo and the others, she must learn who she truly is–not only the daughter of Elinor and Ananias Dare but also a child of the One True God, who gives her courage to go wherever the path of her life might lead.

    Author Shannon McNear portrays history with vivid authenticity gained from extensive research.

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  • Protector


    A Mysterious Disappearance Shakes an Amish Family’s Faith

    In book one of A Mifflin County Mystery series, after a night out with her boyfriend, Rosa Petersheim has disappeared from the Big Valley without a trace. Norman Petersheim always considered himself his sister’s protector, and he can’t believe she would have left home of her own accord. Clearly, he must have failed her. He throws all he has into helping the authorities search for Rosa, while trying to support his parents and siblings–who are struggling both mentally and physically. Salina Swarey loves Norman and hopes they are headed toward marriage, but his obsession with Rosa’s whereabouts is driving them apart. Can Norman find peace and contentment, even if he never learns where Rosa has gone?

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  • Storekeepers Daughter


    Enter a place where time seems to stand still, but can Naomi Fisher’s Amish lifestyle hold back the hand of tragedy? Left at a young age to care for her siblings while her widowed father plods along without a wife, Naomi turned her back on one basic duty, and now she feels unworthy to accomplish any task set before her. How can she escape the weight on her spirit that is paralyzing her emotions? Is there any redemption for a failure like herself? Other books in the series include The Quilter’s Daughter: Book 2 and The Bishop’s Daughter: Book 3.

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  • Bishops Daughter


    Leona is Bishop Jacob Weaver’s daughter and a dedicated teacher in a one-room Amish schoolhouse. After her father’s tragic accident, Leona’s faith wavers. How could God allow something like this to happen to one of His servants? Outlander Jimmy Scott comes to Pennsylvania in search of his real family. When he is hired to paint an Amish schoolhouse, Jimmy and Leona find themselves irresistibly drawn to each other. Can anything good come from the love between an Amish woman and an English man? What secrets will be revealed and what miracles await God’s people in Lancaster County? The Bishop’s Daughter is book 3 in the Daughters of Lancaster County series. Other books in the series include The Storekeeper’s Daughter: Book 1 and The Quilter’s Daughter: Book 2.

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  • Marys Calico Hope


    Mary Yoder Is Content Despite Challenges Thrown Her Way

    Full of faith, hope, and romance, this new series takes you into the Heart of Amish country.
    If God wills it, Mary Yoder will do it, even if that means using crutches for the rest of her life. She was badly injured in a buggy accident as a child. Still, she is content living in the Dawdi Haus connected to her parents’ farmhouse and with her work weaving baskets and raising specialty roosters whose feathers she uses to make excellent trout lures. She is truly happy at twenty-nine, but. . .she wouldn’t mind finding a husband–if the Lord wills it. Along comes Reuben King, a Mennonite doctor. They are attracted to one another, but how could they ever be together? She’s a baptized Amish woman, so it seems impossible. Also, he wants her to have surgery to improve her mobility and lessen her day-to-day pain. She’s sick and tired of surgeries! But if God wills it, she’ll do it. And just maybe there will be a way for these two unlikely souls to connect.

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  • Girl From The Hidden Forest


    The nightmares may free her…but destroy the man she loves.

    Enjoy another Gothic Style Regency from Hannah Linder.

    Eliza Ellis has stayed hidden in Balfour Forest for as long as she can remember. Perhaps her only friends are the trees, or her little dog, or her story-telling father called Captain. But at least she is safe from the cruel world outside, a world Captain has warned her against and protected her from.

    That is, until a handsome stranger named Felton Northwood invades her quiet forest and steals her away. Why does he tell such lies? Why does he insist that her name is Miss Eliza Gillingham, daughter of a viscount, who disappeared fourteen years ago after the murder of her own mother? A murder Eliza is said to have witnessed.

    When Felton returns Eliza to Monbury Manor and reunites her with a man who is told to be her father, all she remembers are the strange nightmares that have plagued her since childhood. Why have they suddenly grown worse? Are the answers hidden inside her own mind?

    As danger mounts and lethal attempts are made on her life, Eliza and Felton must work together to uncover the identity of a killer who has stayed silent for fourteen years. When she finally uncovers the horrendous memories trapped in her mind, will divulging the truth cost her the man she loves–and both of their lives?

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  • Courting An Amish Bishop


    No One Is Ever Too Old to Love Again

    Full of faith, hope, and romance, this new series takes you into the Heart of Amish country.
    Simon Graber became a widower and a bishop early in life. His focus is solely on his very close-knit Old Order Amish community–not entertaining the idea of marriage, despite what many of the elders think. When sickness comes to Cherry Grove, Kentucky, Simon reaches out into the next community for help. But help is beginning to look a lot like a second chance when Stella Schmucker agrees to offer her vast herbal knowledge to the sick. Can it be that these two, who have been too busy serving others to entertain the idea of love, have met at just the perfect time for an unlikely courtship?

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  • Sleuth Of Blackfriars Lane


    Wife. Mother. Homemaker. Detective. Kit Forge wears many hats, and if that’s not enough, she’s partnered with her father to open a new detective agency. It’s hard to be all things to all people, but Kit never shies away from the impossible. Despite her hard work and good intentions, some things fall through the cracks.

    Namely, her husband.

    But Jackson barely notices. He’s too busy putting out his own fires. As the new chief inspector of a busy London station, he must salvage the disaster left behind by the former police chief-an obstacle made all the harder when the superintendent breathes an ultimatum down his neck.

    Against her father’s advice, Kit takes on a case involving a missing child, one in which she and Jackson become a little too emotionally involved. . .and end up endangering their own little girl in the process.

    Can Kit and Jackson learn that just because they can say yes doesn’t mean they should?

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  • Letters Of Wisdom


    Friendship Letters Series — Doretta Schwartz has always enjoyed writing letters and feels her letters can be a bit of a ministry to her friends. In this series, exchanging letters that contain open and honest feelings and struggles helps Doretta and two of her best friends through the darkest challenges of their lives.

    Letters and Prayers Between Friends Become a Balm for Healing

    Irma Miller thought having a family of her own would bring her joy and a sense of accomplishment, but she struggles with memories of the abuse she suffered as a child at the hand of her stepfather. When she becomes physically and emotionally abusive to her own children, she reaches out to her friend Doretta for prayer and wisdom. But Irma may find herself at an even darker emotional place before she will admit she needs professional help to heal the past traumas. Will Doretta’s letters of wisdom help Irma and her family, or will too much be broken to ever be repaired?

    Find out in the third book of The Friendship Letters series by New York Times Bestselling Author Wanda E. Brunstetter.

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  • Garden Of The Midnights


    She begged him once more to meet in the garden at midnight.
    “If you love me,” said the letter.
    But if he loved her, he would not come at all.
    Enjoy another Gothic Style Regency from Hannah Linder.

    The accidents are not a matter of chance. They are deliberate. As English gentleman William Kensley becomes aware of the danger at Rosenleigh Manor, he pleads for the truth of his past from the only man he can trust–until that man is murdered.

    As the secrets unfold into scandal, William’s world is tipped into destitution, leaving him penniless and alone. His only comfort is in the constant friendship and love of Isabella Gresham. If he does not have their nonsense at the seashore, their laughter, their reckless adventures, has he anything at all?

    He should have known that would be ripped from him too. When a hidden foe arises from their acquaintances and imperils Isabella’s life, William may be the only one willing to risk his life to rescue her. But even if he frees Isabella from her captors, will he still have to forsake her heart?

    Some sacrifice everything for love. Others sacrifice love for everything else. In this haunting tale of rigid social prejudices and heart-aching regrets, the greatest decision of their life will be determined in the garden of the midnights.

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  • Break Of Day


    Annie Pederson’s happily ever after is finally within sight . . . If she can stay alive long enough to grasp it.

    Law enforcement officer Annie Pederson’s life has been rocked by tragedy, but things finally seem to be heading in the right direction. Her relationship with the love of her life–who’s also the biological father of her precious daughter–has never been better, and it looks like an engagement ring is in Annie’s future. She’s also slowly building back trust with her sister, Sarah, after a separation that lasted for decades.

    When a man escapes law enforcement custody and Sarah’s safety is suddenly in question, Annie’s personal and professional lives once again merge. Meanwhile, her investigation of hikers who have gone missing in the remote woods of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula puts her in the crosshairs of a deadly game.

    Now, Annie is the one being hunted. When she discovers the terrible truth about the men who are stalking her, she realizes that she’s in for the fight of her life if she’s going to redeem the sister she once lost, build the family she dreams of, and keep all those she loves safe.

    Return to the beloved town of Rock Harbor in the final installment of the Annie Pederson trilogy by bestselling suspense author Colleen Coble.

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  • Novel Proposal


    From the bestselling author of The Convenient Groom (now a beloved Hallmark Original movie) comes a sweet and sizzling story of a romance writer surprised by her own happily ever after.

    When novelist Sadie Goodwin is forced to stop writing westerns and charged with penning a contemporary romance novel to rescue her lackluster sales, there’s only one tiny problem: She’s never been in love.

    Desperate to salvage her career, Sadie begins devouring romance novels. Knowing she must devote herself to this confounding genre, she accepts an invitation to hole up at her friend’s beach duplex for the summer. Where better to witness love in bloom than on the beautiful North Carolina shore?

    However, once ensconced in the charming ocean-front home with her sweet maltipoo Rio, she finds many ways to procrastinate. First there’s the beach, right outside her backdoor, with all its interesting visitors (research). Then there’s the free library she decides to build and set up by the back deck (She has to do something with all those romance novels). To say nothing of Sam Ford, the grumpy neighbor on the other side of the duplex . . . who she can’t seem to stop annoying.A social butterfly by nature, Sadie soon gets to know all the beach regulars-sunbathers, walkers, and surfers alike. The free books draw a crowd right up to the house for nice little book chats, which further irritates her reclusive neighbor, to break up her “writing.” But things take an unexpected turn when Sadie opens a recently-placed novel to find a secret compartment-and tucked inside is a beautiful engagement ring. To whom does the ring belong? Sadie is convinced she needs to find the owner and save the man’s proposal from certain doom.

    She draws a reluctant Sam into the project, and slowly their connection begins to develop. Are these weird fluttery feelings the first stirrings of love? Has Sadie managed to stumble upon the very subject about which she must write-and wouldn’t Sam make the perfect alpha hero?

    Will Sadie find the ring’s rightful owner? And will she manage to pen a career-saving romance novel by summer’s end?

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  • Amish Quilting Bee


    Three charming stories of cozy quilting circles and budding romance

    Patchwork Promises by Amy Clipston

    When Colin Zook and his beloved grandmother lose everything in a fire, their greatest loss is a beloved family heirloom quilt that helped keep her dementia at bay. When Joanne Lapp hears about the loss, she decides to re-create the quilt. Colin soon feels himself developing feelings for her, but he’s held back by the knowledge that a future with him would involve care of his grandmother and his farm. Will Joanne look past his list of responsibilities and see him for who he truly is?

    A Common Thread by Kathleen Fuller

    Susie Glick returns from a shopping trip laden with beautiful fabric for her quilting group. On the bus ride, Alex Lehman–her crush from three years ago–sits next to her. Alex left Middlefield to explore the country, and now he’s back and ready to join the church. Susie was just a kid when he left, but now she’s a woman–and she definitely has his interest. The women in her quilting circle aren’t as excited about Alex’s return, assuming that he’ll leave again in search of adventure. Susie is convinced they’re wrong, but just as they start dating, Alex tells Susie he has to leave. He says he’ll return, but Susie must decide whether or not she can trust the man she fears has captured her heart.

    Stitched Together by Shelley Shepard Gray

    Rosie’s joy is her yearly project for the Pinecraft Mennonite Quilt Sale, and she dreams of being the top earner. But she’s worried that she’s bitten off more than she can chew with her latest entry. To make things even more confusing, after coming to terms with her single state, she’s recently formed a friendship with Tim Christner. He’s only in town for a month, but he has Rosie wondering if she’s found love at last. Now all she has to do is figure out how to get the quilt done so she can concentrate on him. But with her once very organized life in total disarray, everything comes to a head just before the sale. Rosie is forced to reexamine her priorities before she loses not only her place in the quilt show but everything else she’s ever wanted.

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  • Ladys Mine : A Novel


    New York Times bestselling author Francine Rivers returns to the California frontier in this sweeping, romantic tale of a displaced New England suffragette, a former Union soldier disinherited by his Southern family, and the town they join forces to save.

    1875. When Kathryn Walsh arrives in tiny Calvada, a mining town nestled in the Sierra Nevadas, falling in love is the farthest thing from her mind. Banished from Boston by her wealthy stepfather, she has come to claim an inheritance from the uncle she never knew: a defunct newspaper office on a main street overflowing with brothels and saloons, and a seemingly worthless mine. Moved by the oppression of the local miners and their families, Kathryn decides to relaunch her uncle’s newspaper–and then finds herself in the middle of a maelstrom, pitted against Calvada’s most powerful men. But Kathryn intends to continue to say–and publish–whatever she pleases, especially when she knows she’s right.

    Matthias Beck, owner of a local saloon and hotel, has a special interest in the new lady in town. He instantly recognizes C. T. Walsh’s same tenacity in the beautiful and outspoken redhead–and knows all too well how dangerous that family trait can be. While Kathryn may be right about Calvada’s problems, her righteousness could also get her killed. But when the handsome hotelier keeps finding himself on the same side of the issues as the opinionated Miss Walsh, Matthias’s restless search for purpose becomes all about answering the call of his heart.

    Everyone may be looking to strike it rich in this lawless boomtown, but it’s a love more precious than gold that will ultimately save them all.

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  • Return To The Big Valley


    The Brunstetters Return to a Unique Amish Setting for Three New Stories of Love

    Journey back to an area of Pennsylvania that is home to three distinct Amish communities and meet three young women who face heartfelt disappointments in romance.

    Wilma’s Wish by Wanda E. Brunstetter
    Wilma Hostetler has been courted by Israel Zook for the last year, and he’s recently proposed marriage. But when his sister dies, leaving him to care for five young nephews who openly dislike Wilma, she has second thoughts of starting with a ready-made family and decides to call off the wedding. Can anything be done to restore the relationship, or will Israel seek another wife?

    Martha’s Miracle by Jean Brunstetter
    Martha Yoder is different from other Amish women in her love of hunting and the outdoors. Meeting Glen Swarey, who is working with the local fire department, seems to be a good match. But can Martha accept Glen’s thoughts of leaving the Amish faith, or will she walk away from a chance at love?

    Alma’s Acceptance by Richelle Brunstetter
    Alma Wengerd is a young widow who leaves her home in Kentucky to stay with friends in Pennsylvania. Soon she is speeding into a renewed romance with Elias Kurtz and raising the brows of the older church members. When Alma is waylaid by some unexpected news, could putting her happiness with Elias on hold be her only option?

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  • Brides Of Lancaster County


    Love Is Never Plain and Simple
    Strong family and community ties merge in Pennsylvania Amish Country where four young women seek God’s will for their lives and their place in the modern world-while finding true love in the process.A Merry Heart

    The man of Miriam Stolzfus’s dreams has decided to marry another woman. Miriam’s bitterness threatens to cloud her future, until two special men enter her life-and she is forced to make a monumental decision.

    Looking for a Miracle
    After a freak accident paralyzes her legs, Rebecca Stolzfus is confined to a wheelchair. She longs to be loved for who she is-but she’s forced to watch from the sidelines as the man who has stolen her heart is obviously infatuated with her best friend.

    Plain and Fancy
    When interior design student Laura Meade comes to the Lancaster valley, she falls in love with Eli Yoder, one of the “Plain People.” Will Laura be able to choose between two drastically different lifestyles?

    The Hope Chest
    Rachel Beachy wants something she can’t have-her sister’s boyfriend. When she finds her floundering dreams for love rekindled in a most unexpected way, will she become the next bride of Lancaster County? Journey through Lancaster County along with New York Times bestselling author Wanda E. Brunstetter within the first four books she penned about the Amish.

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  • When We Were Young


    From #1 New York Times bestselling author Karen Kingsbury comes a classic story about second chances, featuring the beloved Baxter family and a young father who finds his whole world turned upside down on the eve of his divorce.

    What if you could see into the future and know what will happen tomorrow, if you really walk out that door today. Pay attention. Life is not a dress rehearsal.

    From their first meeting, to their stunning engagement and lavish wedding, to their happily-ever-after, Noah and Emily Carter seemed meant to be. They have a special kind of love–and they want the world to know. More than a million adoring fans have followed their lives on Instagram since the day Noah publicly proposed to Emily. But behind the carefully staged photos and encouraging posts, their life is anything but a fairytale, and Noah’s obsession with social media has ruined everything.

    Distraught, Emily reaches out to her friend Kari Baxter Taylor and tells her the truth: Noah and Emily have decided to call it quits. He is leaving in the morning.
    But when Noah wakes the next day, everything is different. Emily is gone and the kids are years older. Like Scrooge in A Christmas Carol, bizarre and strange events continue throughout the night so that Noah is certain he’s twenty years older, and he is desperate for a second chance.

    Now it would take a miracle to return to yesterday.

    When We Were Young is a rare and beautiful love story that takes place in a single day. It’s about knowing what tomorrow will bring if you really walk out that door today–and the gift of being able to choose differently.

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  • When We Were Young


    From #1 New York Times bestselling author Karen Kingsbury comes a classic story about second chances, featuring the beloved Baxter family and a young father who finds his whole world turned upside down on the eve of his divorce.

    From their first meeting, to their stunning engagement and lavish wedding, to their happily-ever-after, Noah and Emily Carter were meant to be together. Theirs is a special kind of love and they want the world to know. They’ve been letting more than a million adoring fans follow their lives @ThisIsLove since the day Noah proposed to Emily on bended knee. But behind the carefully-staged photos and entertaining posts, their life is anything but a fairy tale and Noah’s obsession has ruined everything.

    Distraught, Emily reaches out to her friend Kari Baxter Taylor and tells her the truth: Noah and Emily have decided to call it quits and Noah is leaving in the morning. Kari prays for a miracle. But deep inside, Kari knows she needs a miracle herself. She and her husband, Ryan are facing their own crisis–one that is guaranteed to change their marriage forever.

    Meanwhile, Noah Carter is ready for his new life to begin, ready to start over without Emily. Tomorrow. But when he wakes up in the morning, everything is different. Emily and the kids have changed and things are not what they seem. Desperate, he tries undo his mistake, but it’s too late. It would take a miracle to return to yesterday.

    The miracle Kari Baxter Taylor prayed for…

    Whether you’re meeting the Baxter family for the first time, or finding them all over again, When We Were Young will restore your faith in true love, and the power of a miracle to overcome all obstacles.

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  • Love Story


    From #1 New York Times bestselling author Karen Kingsbury comes a new book featuring fan favorite family the Baxters.

    Decades ago, John and Elizabeth Baxter lived a love story that is still playing out in the lives of their adult children and grandchildren. But few of them know the exact details of that love story or the heartbreak that brought the two together.

    Now in high school, Ashley Baxter Blake’s oldest son, Cole, must write a family history paper for a freshman English class. He decides to interview his grandfather about that long ago distant love story.

    At the same time, Baxter family friend Cody Coleman has asked his girlfriend Andi Ellison to marry him. The planning and upcoming wedding touches the heart of Bailey Flanigan, who once was Cody s best friend. Bailey has news of her own, but is it right for her and her husband, Brandon, to attend Cody s wedding?

    As school ends, Cole presents his report on the love story between his grandparents John and Elizabeth Baxter. It is a tale that touches the hearts of the entire family, and one that causes Cole to better understand his own beginning.

    Whether you re meeting the Baxter family for the first time or finding them all over again, Love Story will stir your heart and remind you of the power of love and family.”

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  • Marriage Carol


    Jake and Marlee, a typical couple, are about to call it quits. Over time they have drifted apart; the sparks are dead. Marlee is convinced she married the wrong man and Jake feels tied down to the wrong woman. Jake is distant and tired of being controlled while Marlee is tired of being the only one trying to the save their marriage.

    They go to bed Christmas Eve, in separate rooms, each rationalizing…life is too short to be miserable…love shouldn’t hurt like this…their marriage must end for happiness to return.

    But their lives are about to take a turn. The ghosts of Marriage Past, Marriage Present, and Marriage Future reveal to Jake and Marlee how past choices, present realities, and their potential future might look if they do not change their “stories”.

    Jake and Marlee experience a Christmas gift that will radically change their thinking and cause them to look at marriage not for what they can get out of it but for what God can do in and through their marriage.

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  • Remember (Reprinted)


    SKU (ISBN): 9781414333014ISBN10: 1414333013Karen Kingsbury | Gary SmalleyBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 2009Redemption # 2Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers

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